News and Speeches | Western Cape Government

News and Speeches


Six Sites for Diwali Celebrations

19 October 2006

The City of Cape Town has identified six areas that can be used for the discharge of fireworks for Diwali Religious Celebrations on Saturday, 21 October 2006. The six sites are: Read More

Celebration of "Guy Fawkes" Night on 5 November 2006

19 October 2006

The City of Cape Town will permit the discharging of fireworks in public on Sunday night, 5 November, Guy Fawkes Night, but only at the sites listed below, and nowhere else without special permission. Metro Police will be monitoring the sites. Read More

Fire at Masiphumelele

18 October 2006

A fire occurred at approximately 02:00 this morning within the Masiphumelele Informal Settlement, Fish Hoek. The fire razed 292 structures leaving 1076 people destitute (709 adults and 367 children). Read More

City's Youth Environmental School (YES) Programme Runs Year Round

17 October 2006

The City of Cape Town's successful Youth Environmental School (YES) Programme, traditionally held during World Environment Week, is expanding to include other major commemorative days and weeks on the annual calendar. Read More

City Honours Managers for Excellence

17 October 2006

Seven project managers at the City of Cape Town have received special awards for their exceptional service delivery in implementing water, electricity and waste management projects in the Cape Metropole. Read More

City's Town Planning Department Introduces New Standardised Forms

17 October 2006

In order to improve its customer service, the City's Town Planning Department has introduced a new single, city-wide standardised application form and submission requirements for Land Use Management applications such as rezonings, subdivisions and... Read More

Royal Visit to Red Cross Children's Hospital

17 October 2006

Prince Edward Count of Wessex and Sophie, Countess of Wessex, visited the Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital on Mo Read More

N7 Bridge Re-Opened for Normal Two-Way Traffic Flow

16 October 2006

Good news for road-users. The N7 bridge in the vicinity of Acacia Park has been reopened for normal two-way traffic i.e. using both the the southbound and the northbound carriageways. Read More

City Releases More Land for Affordable Housing

16 October 2006

The City of Cape Town has plans to release a further 10.4 hectares of housing land in addition to the already approved 42 hectares of land to be developed for affordable housing for the so called GAP housing market. Read More

Mayor to Host Fund-Raising Tea in Support of the Ruan Belcher Trust

16 October 2006

Mayor Helen Zille will host a tea in support of the Ruan Belcher & Other Near Drowning Survivors' Rehabilitation & Educational Trust on Wednesday, 18 October 2006, in Cape Town. Read More

City Takes Immediate Steps to Prevent Further Closure of Libraries

11 October 2006

With the closure of one library in Hangberg, and with a number of other libraries at risk of closure due to staff shortages, the City is taking immediate steps to rectify the situation. Read More

Cape Town Welcomes Danish Research Ship

11 October 2006

One of the largest Danish scientific expeditions in more than 50 years is due to sail into Cape Town harbour on Sunday, 15 October. Read More

UK Partnership Boosts Engineering Skills Drive

10 October 2006

A leading Western Cape Education Department (WCED) Engineering and Technology Focus School is celebrating the donation of a Hot Metal Workshop to the value of R250,000.00, which will form part of government's bid to address the skills shortages in... Read More

City Partnership Builds Fence to Realise Dream of New Reserve

9 October 2006

The City of Cape Town's dream to create a nature reserve with roaming herds of eland and other game species near Blaauwberg Hill is hedging closer to reality with the erection of the first game fence in the Blaauwberg Conservation Area (BCA). Read More

Learners Celebrate Weedbuster Day at Macassar Dunes Nature Reserve

9 October 2006

The City of Cape Town and the Macassar Dune Co-Management Association, in partnership with Cape Flats Nature, are hosting a Weedbuster Day on Thursday, 12 October 2006, at the Macassar Dunes Nature Reserve. Read More

City Implements New Law for Building Plans

8 October 2006

As from October 2, only individuals registered with the professional architect's body will be allowed to submit building plans to the City for approval. Read More

Site Inspection Confirms Athlone Stadium is Sound

8 October 2006

Following a media report concerning possible structural problems at the Athlone stadium, one of the 2010 World Cup practice venues, a site visit by Executive Deputy Mayor Andrew Arnolds today revealed no flaws or cause for concern. Read More

Nutrition Week: 9 - 16 October

8 October 2006

Nutrition week is celebrated from the 9-16 October annually. The Western Cape Provincial Department of Health will be launching the Food Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDG) during nutrition week. Read More

City Calls on Debtors to Take Advantage of Indigent Policy

5 October 2006

This month I would like to invite all residents who owe council money for rates and services but who are unable to pay their debts to come forward and take advantage of our indigent policy. Read More
