Site Inspection Confirms Athlone Stadium is Sound | Western Cape Government



Site Inspection Confirms Athlone Stadium is Sound

8 October 2006
Following a media report concerning possible structural problems at the Athlone stadium, one of the 2010 World Cup practice venues, a site visit by Executive Deputy Mayor Andrew Arnolds today revealed no flaws or cause for concern.

The Deputy Mayor, who is also Mayoral Committee Member for Sport and Amenities in the City of Cape Town, said: "The City of Cape Town has a R65 million rand investment in the development and upgrading of this stadium. When I learnt through a media report and a call from Councillor Paddy Chapple that there was a 1,5 metre gap in the steel structure being held together by cranes I met with engineers and builders on site. There was no such gap to be seen. There was only 20mm play in a steel structure held by bolts that was due to be tightened today as planned."

"The senior engineer on site explained that the 150 metre long steel structure had been lifted into place on Friday afternoon by three massive cranes. The steel structure had first been assembled on the ground and measured for fit before erecting it. Once the structure was in place and tightened into the concrete supports unfavourable weather conditions (strong winds) made it impossible for workers to tighten the last remaining bolts without risking injury. The cranes were left in place to act as additional support though the structure in itself was stable. The last few bolts just needed to be tightened to complete the process today."

"This is a normal procedure whilst erecting a structure. It is premature to be concerned about the quality of a structure whilst it is still being erected. Reports of this nature are at odds with the commitment, hard work and preparation for 2010 by the City of Cape Town. There is no "1,5 metre gap" nor are there any structural problems at Athlone stadium. Professional surveyors have been a part of the process and it has been inspected on numerous occasions to ensure that rigorous international and FIFA standards are met," said Deputy Mayor Arnolds.

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City of Cape Town
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Wesley Douglas
Tel: 021 400 1309

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