Tribute Messages | Western Cape Government
Rest in Peace Tata Madiba 1918 - 2013

Rus in Vrede

Tata Madiba

1918 - 2013


Tribute Messages

tribute messages

Photo © Shameer Karriem

Tata Madiba you have been a great icon for South Africa and Africa at large. Thank you for serving our country. Rest in peace.

Our deepest sympathy to the family of Madiba.he is now in Gods hands


What can one say? Ke a leboga...Tsela tshweu...O tla gopolwa...

A hero and a great leader fall. RIP TATA Mandela. Umkhonto We Sizwe, Nelson Rolihlala Mandela.

Dear Madiba. Some moments stand out for me over the years that passed. The one was a statement by my Dad's Stepmother when the Afrikaans family expressed concerns that you would be released from prison and the ANC would cause havoc: "Don't worry, Mandela will die soon, he is so old. I don't think he is much of a threat to us" She died while I was still in school and you only died yesterday. My dad also died earlier this year. How untrue was her words. You went and changed the face of the planet, and chose peace, reconciliation and forgiveness over hatred, blood-shed, corruption and pride. Who of us can forget the 1995 Rugby World Cup? Farewell Madiba. My respect and condolences to the family and close friends.

Thank you for allowing God to use you as a catalyst to bring Peace to our Land in a most troubling and horrific time of our history. May my Children, and my Children's Children, learn and know of your humility, forgiveness and perserverance, which you portrayed ( amongst other rare qualities ) during your lifetime. Rest in Peace.

You have inspired all of us. You were a true leader and a great icon to us all. We will miss you greatly but you will live on in the hearts of all South Africans. My heart goes out to Nelson Mandela's family and friends. Forever Nelson Mandela

RIP Madiba. Our country has lost a great spirit but your legacy will live on for generations to come. May we not disappoint you in the vision and passion you had for this country and all its people. No one can replace you.

Peacemaker, World Changer, a Patriot..and above all else a truly blessed soul. You gave your life for the man's worthiest cause - Freeedom. Thank you fighting for my freedom in the country that we all love. #ProudlySouthAfrican Rest in peace Mr Mandela.. Madiba.. Tata.
