Tribute Messages | Western Cape Government
Rest in Peace Tata Madiba 1918 - 2013

Rus in Vrede

Tata Madiba

1918 - 2013


Tribute Messages

tribute messages

Photo © Shameer Karriem

A great man indeed, A hero of many. May your soul RIP Tata, Your legacy will live on. We appreciate the difference u made in SOUTH-AFRICA. You will be missed.

There are so few individuals in life that truly transcend so much of humanity’s pettiness and Nelson Rohlihlahla Mandela was one of those rare few that could see South Africa’s potential, what lay beyond the undiscovered country. At a very personal level I have been blessed to have spent time with Madiba and Graca several times, once as a young field guide working at Bongani Mountain Reserve and to be honest there I was completely awed by his deep appreciation of our wildlife, land and people. He delighted in everything that he saw on safari, from the smallest dung-beetle to lumbering steps of the Elephants. That delight and joy was a wonder to share in. Later again with Graca Machel at Phinda Game Reserve in which she was leading UNDP fact-finding mission to do more for local communities and the sense of focus and drive was amazing to see. I later had the privilege to attend his birthday party where he took the time to chat with me and my mother and that humble and caring approach was again awe-inspiring. His influence and forthright sense of justice tempered by his profound belief in humanity has been a guiding influence in my life ever since and I hope to sustain that measure of his spirit throughout the rest of my life.

Tata.... Your passing must still sink in but, I grant you the peace you so deserve and fought for. My condolescence to all who shared in your life as we are all your family. R.I.P. my Tata

Madiba... You were not just a hero of our time.. But you will remain a hero of all time. Your legacy will echo on in eternity through us. Thank you for giving us the gift of your life..and through that teaching us forgiveness, love and humility. Rest in Peace

The legacy of a man is not determined by words alone, it needs to be backed up by action. You were a Bastion for social justice, peace and reconciliation. Someone who led by example in this regard. You have not just captivated a Nation, but the entire world. We all moarn your passing, yet we are grateful and happy that you are in a better place. I overheard someone saying that "if you are going to worship the man then remember what he stood for". All of us remember and we will not forget. Your life and all that you stood for will not be forgetten, in fact it will be remembered through the ages. I am grateful to be part of a generation that experienced your kindness, generousity and selfless endevours. Thank you Tata :-) You will never be forgotten!

Conquerer of the water-logged cage. Forgiver of those needed to be forgiven. Changer of the course of history. Champion of the poor. Carer of the of the abused and downtrodden. You brought light and restored the dignity of a nation. These are the qualities found only in superhumans. You were indeed superhuman. May your deeds forever rest in the memories of all South Africans to serve as mirrors and be recalled as excellent examples.

R.I.P were truly a great man...Without your Sacrifice, we as a nation would not be what we are Today...A legend any man dreams to be...May your soul rest in peace Tata, and may your legacy be cherished forever...

We have lost a father. Tata we miss u, GOD BLESS AFRICA

"Liyibekile inqawa ixhego, wombethe ingubo kaqaqaqa" Father of the Nation, indeed there is no one like you,the values and hope you have always emphasised on us as a nation will live on in our hearts and we will continue to teach to our children & grand children as well, as heartbreaking as it is to have lost you, we have accepted that it is your time and that you are free from pain. Lala ngoxolo Tata yem yem, sopitsho ngqolomsila.

Rest in peace, Madiba. I pray that I may emulate the example you set for us and bring forth the legacy you dreamed of through my work. Hamba Kahle to a great man.
