Tribute Messages | Western Cape Government
Rest in Peace Tata Madiba 1918 - 2013

Rus in Vrede

Tata Madiba

1918 - 2013


Tribute Messages

tribute messages

Photo © Shameer Karriem

Rest in peace TATA you are in a better place now you played your role we will always love you

Long Lived, Well Lived !!! Well loved !!! Tata, you have shown the entire universe the true power of Love, Humility and Selflessness. We will sorely miss you. You deserve the rest after carrying the Hopes of a repressed nation for so long. Your light will always shine in this country, continent, world, universe and all our hearts. We love you. Hamba Kahle Qabane!!

Thank you Tata for the past amazing 20 years in South Africa, my land.

We hv lost a greatest leader,an icon,a legend of legends robala kakgotso tata

The world is stunned at your passing away. You were our Hero, a Great Icon and the Father of our Nation. As we mourn your loss Madiba, Heaven rejoices for you their angel have come home. Its heartbreaking to say Goodbye but we will meet again in heaven. Thank you for fighting for us to have a Democratic country free from Apartheid, we will be forever grateful. You have touched the lives of many and have left an everlasting mark. I pray God grants your family and friends strength comfort. May your soul rest in peace oh Great One. Farewell, Tata your legacy and teachings will live on in our hearts.

I first came to South Africa in 1990, then again in '92' 95 '97 '99 '2002, 05 07 and finally retired here in 2008. I believed in Madiba's Dream, the Rainbow Nation. I still believe that that Dream can be Reality if all South Africans of all colours, all creeds, all Faiths, all sexes , all Tribes and all Clans bury the pain of White Apartheid, reject the current phase of Reverse Apartheid and work together to see the best people lead us, the best people manage us and the best people regardless of political ideology, nepotism and corruption take us forward to the Rainbow Nation as dreamt of and enshrined by the Great Man himself. Lead us onward and forward Madiba from beyond the grave and lead us all to fulfilment

The world has lost a beacon of hope and a force for the light. I didn't know you tata Madiba, but you will be sorely missed. You were an inspiration. The wave of sadness that flowed through the world at your passing is testament to the lives you touched and a life lived beyond anything one could expect. May your light guide us through this sad time and shine forever more...

You are a true inspiration and your legacy legacy will forever live on! RIP Tata Madiba. You will be missed dearly...

Rest in peace Tata Madiba. Your legacy will live on. Condolences to the Mandela family.

You are now truly free Tata Madiba. May your beautiful soul be at rest. Your legacy will live on. Your ability to forgive those who wronged you is inspiring.
