Tribute Messages | Western Cape Government
Rest in Peace Tata Madiba 1918 - 2013

Rus in Vrede

Tata Madiba

1918 - 2013


Tribute Messages

tribute messages

Photo © Shameer Karriem

Nelson, you brought South Africa through a very dark time with your courage, compassion, lack of bitterness and forgiveness. Your fine example of humanity.will remain for all time. Thank you.

There are people who make this world a better place just by being in it. Nelson Mandela was one of those people. My heart is sore today for us and for Madiba's family. I will never forget you Madiba or what you did for everyone in South Africa. What will we do without our father?

As a member of the Steering Committee for the Partner regions network of Bavaria, Georgia, Quebec, Shandong, Sao Paulo, Upper Austria and Western Cape, I send my sincerest condoleances to the Government of the Province, the people and to all who mourn for the late Nelson Mandela. It is an honour and a privilege to work together with the Cape and to contribute to and to profit from it's development. I am well aware that all of this would not be possible without the life time achievement of the "Nation's Father". Sincere greetings to our colleagues in Capetown. M.H., Munich, Bavaria

Tata Madiba, you will always be the Father of our Nation, you brought us together in life, and now you have brought us together again in death. As we mourn your passing I hope that nobody will forget what you lived and fought for. Now I pray that your legacy will be honoured by all to ensure a democratic future for one and all in our beautiful country. You began "The Long Walk to Freedom", now it's up to the rest of us to carry on walking. Rest in Peace

R.I.P Mr Nelson Mandela,let us begin our life journey as you did Tata...You will forever live in us,my heart goes out the world and especially Mr.Mandela's family.Being 14 years old,I am able to understand the struggle and mourn for our Great Father who has changed everyone's life... I am and will always be Proudly South African.Thank you Mr.Madiba.


Finally you are truly free Madiba. Rest in peace and thank you for Inspiring our nation.

Tears will dry but memories will linger on,i dont beleave he iz gone foreveeeer.May his soul rest in perfect peace

Recuerdo ese dia de mucho calor en paarl,caminando con mi esposa y dos pequeñas hijas,mas de 3 kmts,porque los autos no podian llegar ahi por seguridad,para ver la salida de la carcel de NELSON MANDELA,en victor vester..prision.Fue increible verlo,sacarle fotos y por sobre todo,la inmensa alegria de estar frente al hombre que iba a pacificar el pais,con su ejemplo de integridad y lucha llenas de dignidad y entereza,con ideas muy claras de lo que habia que hacer.El era el hombre para este trabajo,y lo hizo muy bien.Vuela guerrero incansable,te queremos mucho,y que la eternidad te abrace por siempre calidamente. Carlos y Virginia.

Flight forever ,great warrior,and rest in pace for all eternity,we will tray to follow your example-of a virtued man. bay bay Madiba.
