Tribute Messages | Western Cape Government
Rest in Peace Tata Madiba 1918 - 2013

Rus in Vrede

Tata Madiba

1918 - 2013


Tribute Messages

tribute messages

Photo © Shameer Karriem

May you rest in peace. we know that you are in a good place. May we continue in the way that you taught us and may there be more leaders of your calibre! Hamba Kakuhle

Our Father who art in Africa...our hero...our mentor...thank you for your heart and dedication towards your people. Peace, Freedom, Power and Education is the best gift u left us with, may people continue living your legacy, you may be dead but your Spirit lives on our Legend. May our leaders lead the country and follow on your foot step...what a humble leader you were Madiba it is very sad that u r no longer with us...u played your part...may your soul rest in peace tata

R.I.P Tata Madiba! we thank you for the work you have done for our country,you will always be in our hearts.There will never be someone like you again,you taught us so much LOVE......LOVE......LOVE......LOVE :-) :-) :-)

In September 2000 the World Methodist Council had a week-long conference which culminated in a Peace Award Ceremony for Madiba, held at the Central Methodist Mission in Cape Town, South Africa. It was my privilege to be part of the organising team. Madiba, at the end of the evening, greeted and engaged with each one of us who had been involved in the organisation of the Ceremony. While speaking with him, I really felt like I was the only person in that room with him. He was SUCH an inspiration. I will never forget his admiration for the part I had played in organising the event, nor his encouraging words: "We need more people like you in this country". Those words have inspired me through the years to go the extra mile in everything I do. An image that is indelibly etched on my mind is that of Madiba leaving the church that night. As he was escorted to his car waiting on Greenmarket Square, his guards wanted to ensure his safety from the ever-increasing crowd that gathered and tried to rush him into it. Madiba was also quite exhausted after a busy day. However, he saw some street children coming towards him to greet him - and he stopped in his tracks and turned around to shake hands and engage with them for quite a few minutes before climbing into his car. The smiles that lit their tiny faces was a glorious sight to see... Tata - sala kakuhle! Though your body has faded and died, your large life and legacy lives on! May we, in our individual small ways, follow in your footsteps as you tirelessly sought peace, justice and reconciliation. May we aim to live our lives in humility as you did - and TRULY connect with others in ways that make a difference in their lives.

Its strange how Tatu Mandela's passing just brought back the emptiness i have been feeling and hiding ever since my parents died. It brought back the torture me and my brother and my younger sister who is 25 that we had to endure when the doctors told us that we needed to let our mother die as there was nothing that can be done for her. We had to give permission for the doctors to switch off the machine and that was the worse pain ever even giving birth is nothing compare to that. I cant stop thinking about how his immediate family is feeling right now if the world is so sad, i can't imagine how empty it must be knowing that they will never phsycally talk to him and touch him. It makes me sad to think of all his children and grandchildren and especially his wife, Graca. Mr Mandela has taught the world that hating each other based on the colour of the skin is evil and inhuman. He was a leader and he led by example and he was such a humble man i have ever admired besides my father. I believe if all our leaders in the world can know that there is so much that they can also do to be examples to the nation of this country and be a great symbol of the african continent. Let us as a nation continue and work hard to heal the past and stop the blame game and work hard to achieve what this country would like to achieve in a long run. Lala ngoxolo Yem-Yem, Ngqol'umsila, Vela bambhentsele. Ugqatso lwakho kulo umagada ahlabayo ulufezile. May you be our Nation's angel and know that you your purpose on this earth was done and everything now is in our hands as a nation of this soil. Lala ngoxolo tatomkhulu Mandela and to his family Thuthuzelekani akuhlanga nto ingaqhelanga kwehla, kunje nakwezinye iintlanga.

Nelson Mandela: The father of our Nation, the best product that South Africa and the entire world have ever produce. You were the father of love,Life,Peace,forgiveness,Hope,Trust,Humanity, You rebelled against racism,selfishness & violence. May your soul find to rest in peace,your actions & harmony

Great Sorrow to read the news about President Mandela. This Great Man is long living in our deep heart. He devoted himself not only to South Africa, but also the whole world. His gone, leaves us big sorrow. Sincerely tribute, to this Great Man----Nelson Mandela

u sorely was a icon because of u I can live my dreams to the fullest.remember u was send to earth for a good reason u finished it and I know u will always be remember.RIP TATA

Your spirit will live on, we will continue upholding your teachings and treasure them. You paved a prosperous way for all South Africans to follow on your footsteps to fight for social justice for all, we are blessed to have lived in the Mandela era, This is the name to be remembered for generations to come. We salute you, TATA.

Tata you were and always will be an inspiration to the entire world. Your selfless acts of sacrifice enabled many South Africans the choice of where to live, work and have an education. There are so many things I need to thank you for I don't know where to start. I am sure that your passing will bring back the value of Ubuntu in families and the nation. RIP Tata, you will always be in our hearts, prayers and thoughts.
