Tribute Messages | Western Cape Government
Rest in Peace Tata Madiba 1918 - 2013

Rus in Vrede

Tata Madiba

1918 - 2013


Tribute Messages

tribute messages

Photo © Shameer Karriem

Dear Tata You have have fought the good fight you have concured the race. At a ripe age Our Heavenly father has called you home to join those who struggled with you for the good cause without hatred. You lived like God wants us to be irispective of race, colour or creed. May your soul rest in peace. Till we meet again. It is is well with my soul, It is well with my soul.

Lala ngoxolo Dalibhunga nyana kaNosekeni ugqantso ulufezile Zondwa

Tate Madiba, May your light always be a beacon of principle, integrity and humbleness for our future leaders to aspire to.. Rest in Peace

You left behind a legacy for all. Thank you TATA... Thank you... Because of you we ARE FREE .... REST IN PEACE GREAT ONE

Thank u for all that you've done for us and know that your sacrifice are apreciated by all South Africans....U an insperation for all.We will miss u dearly GO WELL MADIBA!!!!!!!!!! We lolove u.Hamba Khasle TATA!!!!!!

You have shown us leadership, you have taught us true meaning of equility. You made being a South African citizen something to be proud of. When i travel and people asked me from where i am, with great pride i would reply S.A. Hidden within that response is your name.. Madiba. You changed people lives, you brightend every childs life that has yet to be born. You are history and we shall never forget you. The carbon footprint that you left in this world will always be reflected over the globe and your legacy is proof that a "A good head and a good heart is a formiddle combination" You Rest in Peace Mr Nelson Viva Madiba.

Gone but not forgotten . RIP Madiba , we bid farewell to an Icon . In our hearts you will live on .

There's nothing that I can say that hasn't been already said... So my message is not to YOU "TATA MADIBA", it goes out to those millions of proudly South Africans that you have inspired. Let us not just say: "YOU have been an inspiration to me..." Let us not just mention that HE have left us a Legacy and a Democratic Country that future generations will benefit from, but let us keep in mind that we(South Africa) are not yet where HE invision(ed) us(South Africa) to be in terms of UNITY, Health Care, Financail Stability(FOR ALL), etc. and all that is good for humanity. We(South Africa) need to recognise that we are not moving forward but backwards and sideways because we(South Africa) are still pulling in different directions. In closing I would just like to say that I am proud to have lived in a time when such hostorical events took place, in a time when a MAN such as "TATA MADIBA" roam the earth. Let us(South Africa) start to pull in the same direction and continue moving forward as FATHER AFRICA(Nelson Mandela) wishes us to. *I've never met YOU...and yet YOU've had an impact on my life. *** Hambakahle "TATA MADIBA" ***

Madiba, you were one of a kind. We have learnt much from your Jesus Christ lifestyle. We are going to miss you and I promise to always keep in mind your legacy that you lived, through God's Grace and will make others accountable to do the same. Hamba Kahle! My Comrade, tata!!!

