Homepage LG

The Department of Local Government's vision is to have developmental and well-governed Municipalities with integrated, sustainable and empowered communities.
For more information about the role of Local Government and Municipalities click here

Community Programmes
The programme aims to supplement people’s existing livelihood plans by offering a basic level of income security through work.

Disaster Management and Fire & Rescue Services
Western Cape Disaster Management aims to: Prevent or reduce the risk of disasters; mitigate the severity or consequences of disasters; ensure emergency-preparedness; ensure rapid and effective response to disasters; offer post-disaster recovery and rehabilitation.

About us
The Department of Local Government supports and strengthens the capacity of municipalities to manage their own affairs.

Municipal Monitoring and Support
The Constitution tasks the Department of Local Government in the Western Cape to be responsible for monitoring and supporting municipalities to deliver services to communities. The Department is also responsible for promoting good governance in municipalities and capacitating them to improve service delivery.

The role of municipalities is to provide basic services such as water, garbage removal, sanitation etc, as well as promote a safe and healthy environment, and community development.

Communication Toolkits
View current campaigns currently being run by the Department of Local Government
Meet the Minister
After the general election in April 2009, Minister Bredell was appointed as Minister of Local Government in the Western Cape Cabinet.
Head of Department
Mr Paulse's first job was at the House of Representatives in Government in May 1985, after which he worked for the Department of Local Government and Provincial Treasury.
Contact us
You can contact The Western Cape Government call centre with any Local Government-related queries: 0860 142 142.