Technical Advisory Forums
The Western Cape Government recognises that data is key to the success of the Game Changer. When it comes to our five priority sectors, we need to know which occupations are required within sector, how many of each occupation, how many skilled people are available for each occupation, how many do we need to train and how many people are in training already for these occupations?
This requires constant real-time data from employers, Sector Education Training Authorities (SETA’s) and education and training providers.
For this reason, the Apprenticeship Game Changer team has established Technical Advisory Forums (TAF’s) for each of the five priority sectors, which include relevant Government Departments, SETA’s, education and training providers and representatives from employer and organised labour structures. The TAF’s focus on determining skills development needs and how to deliver on these needs in each of these sectors.
The TAF’s focus areas include:
- Identifying the occupations needed in the sector;
- Identifying the short courses and/or specialisation training required by the sector;
- Facilitating recognition of prior learning candidates; and
- Facilitating workplace based mentors;
We encourage employers to become involved in their TAF’s to ensure that their skills development needs are included in provincial government and TVET college planning processes.
Read more about the TAF's here.
Sign up here to become a member of your sector’s TAF.