Recognition of Prior Learning
Many people, during their lifetime, have acquired various skills, competencies or experience outside of formal education and training. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) interventions formally recognises this prior learning and assists employed and unemployed candidates to fast track their technical or vocational training and become properly qualified.
The RPL process identifies what an individual knows or is able to do, matches their skills, knowledge and expertise to specific National Qualification Framework (NQF) levels and credits, assesses them against these recognised standards and rewards them with certification or credits leading to certification.
Employers can benefit from their employees becoming formally qualified through RPL as it can help their businesses meet their employment equity and skills development targets, and can also help with their succession planning. Employers can also access Skills Development Levy Funding to pay for RPL.
Criteria and Guidelines for the implementation of Artisan Recognition of Prior Learning can be downloaded here.
If you are interested in your employees becoming RPL candidates sign up here