Launch of the RSEP Entrepreneurial hub in Malmesbury
The RSEP Entrepreneurial hub consists of 4x refurbished container used as LED units, landscaping, toilets, and a safe node which includes a scaled-down version of an Active Box. The project was funded by Swartland Municipality and RSEP. The municipality also entered a Memorandum of Understanding with 5 mining companies who assisted with provided funds for landscaping.
A small opening ceremony was held last Friday for the RSEP Entrepreneurial hub. The mayor (Mr Tijmen van Essen), councilors, municipal officials, RSEP staff, local community and new business owners attended the event.
The following four shops were officially opened by the mayor:
- Hair Salon
- Take-away shop
- Tuck shop
- Clothing shop
* The safe node has been completed but the tenants have not yet occupied the building (it is expected that it would be a neighbourhood watch group)