Regional Socio-Economic Projects Programme | Better Together

What is the RSEP Programme?

The Regional Socio-Economic Projects (RSEP) Programme is an intergovernmental and citizen-centric Programme run in the Western Cape and is aimed at neighbourhood development and spatial justice. It is currently being implemented in 14 municipalities (representing 19 towns) in the Western Cape.

Phase 1 of the RSEP Programme included three municipalities while Phase 2 included an additional seven municipalities, with a recent addition of two more municipalities. The Programme comprises a large variety of projects, driven by different role players, including Local Municipalities, Provincial Departments and the private sector. A core component of the Programme is to promote learning about spatial neighbourhood upliftment and to mainstream lessons learnt, best practice and opportunities for replication in other municipalities and towns.

The Regional Socio-Economic Programme showcases a few examples of collaborative projects that have been completed in the 14 municipalities across the Western Cape. The RSEP programme continues to have a pro-poor focus and implement projects that are designed to unite and uplift communities through urban, social, and spatial upgrading.

Project Purpose

To improve the quality of life in previously disadvantaged neighbourhoods through urban, social and spatial upgrading.

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The Regional Socio-Economic Projects (RSEP) Programme was established in 2014 within the Western Cape Government.

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Get Involved

A dedicated RSEP Programme Office has been established within the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning.

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Helping Communities

The RSEP Programme is about a capable state partnering with active citizens, communities and other stakeholders to plan and implement projects that improve quality of life. The majority of projects funded through the Programme will be local and precinct-based, and these will mainly be neighbourhood upgrading projects that involve the development of physical infrastructure.

Infrastructure projects are supported by social projects that focus on providing activities, programmes or facilities for specific groups or address social challenges within communities, such as early childhood development, education, safety, economic development or social cohesion. The projects will, with the assistance of the Programme Office, be identified at the municipal level through a collaborative process involving many stakeholders.

Call: 021 483 8376

RSEP Programme Office

You can also contact the RSEP by completing the form

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