Are you a future small business owner?
When considering whether or not you want to take up the opportunity of starting or running a small business there are a number of factors you may want to consider:
Owning or managing your own business implies that at the start up stage you take responsibility for all aspects of the business such as sales, accounts, purchasing, production, administration etc.
It is also implies that you have the necessary skills required in the execution of these responsibilities. Are you able to sell and market your business? Address financial book keeping requirements, monthly and annually, address government requirements and the potential red tape involved?
It is important to ensure that you answer these questions as honestly as possible. The road of a small business owner is not an easy one but often holds individual rewards for those who risk the venture.
There are also a number of general traits associated with small business owners. If you adhere to the questions, then it is the right move. You will need to develop or improve on skill sets which build these traits, if they don’t already come naturally to you.