News and Speeches for Western Cape Education Department | Western Cape Government

News and Speeches for Western Cape Education Department

EFF cancels meeting with Minister Schäfer

18 November 2020

The EFF has cancelled their meeting with me which was scheduled for tomorrow, in which we were supposed to discuss the party’s concerns about Brackenfell High School. Read More

Minister Schäfer calls for calm and consideration of learners’ best interests

17 November 2020

Following on their protest at Brackenfell High School last Monday, 9 November 2020, which resulted in violent altercations outside the school, the EFF has been granted permission by the City of Cape Town for 100 members to protest again outside... Read More

Minister Schäfer extends condolences following suicide of two Grade 11 learners

14 November 2020

I am deeply distressed by the news that two of our Grade 11 girls have committed suicide this week. I would firstly like to extend my deepest condolences to the families of the girls, their friends, teachers and all at La Rochelle High School. Read More

Exam Disruption due to protest action

12 November 2020

The WCED is very concerned about the candidates that are experiencing difficulty in getting to their exam centres as a result of protest action affecting various traffic routes. Read More

The WCED is recruiting over 20 000 Education and General School Assistants

12 November 2020

As part of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme, the Western Cape Education Department is looking to recruit over 20 000 Education Assistants and General School Assistants for schools over the next few months. Read More

Brackenfell HS - Addressing discrimination in a courageous and mature manner

10 November 2020

In June this year, the Head of Department of the WCED wrote to all public schools indicating the “absolute necessity for courageous and ongoing conversations in our schools about issues of racism, prejudice and inclusivity.”  Read More

Violent clashes outside Brackenfell High School are unacceptable

9 November 2020

I am deeply disturbed by the violent clashes that occurred outside Brackenfell High School this morning, over a private matric celebration organised by some parents of learners who attend the school. Read More

#CommitToFinish: Minister Schäfer wishes Western Cape matrics the best of luck

4 November 2020

I want to wish all our 2020 matrics the very best for your final exams which begin tomorrow.  I know this year has been unusual and unsettling, but I have absolute confidence in your resilience and ability to succeed.  You have had a lot of help and... Read More

Neumann interdict application struck off the roll with costs in favour of WCED

2 November 2020

The WCED welcomes the decision by the Labour Court this morning to dismiss Mr Neumann’s attempt to halt his imminent disciplinary proceedings by way of an interdict, by striking it off the roll with costs. Read More

#CommitToFinish: the matric Class of 2020 in numbers

1 November 2020

Nearly 100 000 candidates will write their NSC exams in the Western Cape this month – a much larger group than would ordinarily write during the November session. 95 427 will write this month, compared to 64 465 for the same session last year. Read More

#CommitToFinish: ePortal provides increased support to learners

29 October 2020

At the start of the lockdown, the closure of our country’s schools on the 18th of March was envisaged as an extended holiday. The plan was not to have any teaching and learning taking place, and to rather shorten holidays later in the year to make... Read More

Minister Schäfer congratulates Brent Walters on his appointment as WCED SG

28 October 2020

It gives me pleasure to announce the appointment of Mr Brent Walters as the next Superintendent General of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). He was officially appointed yesterday by Premier Alan Winde, and will lead the WCED from 1 April... Read More

#CommitToFinish: no party is worth having to miss your matric exams

26 October 2020

The recent news of a cluster outbreak of Covid-19 related to a bar in the Southern Suburbs has served as an important lesson about the necessity of following the golden rules of preventing Covid-19: physical distancing, washing your hands and... Read More

Minister Schäfer calls on COSATU and partners to denounce defunding of education

25 October 2020

I note COSATU’s announcement that they will be holding a press conference regarding the challenges facing the WCED.  I am pleased that COSATU and its associated organisations understand that there are challenges facing us.  The most profound of... Read More

#CommitToFinish: NSC practical exams start tomorrow

20 October 2020

9 032 learners will complete their Computer Applications Technology (CAT) practical exam tomorrow, while 854 learners have their Information Technology practical exam on Thursday.  Read More

Minister Schäfer urgently requests information regarding alleged fraud charge

14 October 2020

I have learned only today of a WCED teacher who has allegedly been charged with “fraud” for classifying himself as “African” on his CV. Read More

The WCED welcomes the decision by the court to allow proper representation

6 October 2020

The Western Cape Education Department has been made aware of comments allegedly made in the media by the Heathfield HS SGB Treasurer, Mr Brandon De Kock, that the Labour Court has “granted Heathfield High school principal Mr Wesley Neumann an urgent... Read More

Minister Schäfer pays tribute to Western Cape teachers on World Teachers’ Day

5 October 2020

The WCED and I wish all Western Cape teachers a happy World Teachers’ Day! Read More

#CommitToFinish: WCED launches campaign to motivate Grade 12s

4 October 2020

This year has certainly been a tumultuous year for our Grade 12 learners and their teachers. Despite the disruptive school year, they have shown true grit and determination! They have shown how resilient they are and I am extremely proud of them. Read More

Murder of Zameka Mfubesi – School Principal of Umyezo WamaApile HS in Grabouw

30 September 2020

Joint statement Office of the South African Police Service Provincial Commissioner Western Cape / Family of Ms Zameka Mfubesi / Western Cape Minister of Education   Read More
