News and Speeches for Western Cape Education Department | Western Cape Government

News and Speeches for Western Cape Education Department

Media alert: National Teaching Awards – Western Cape Provincial Awards Ceremony

3 September 2021

This evening, 3 September 2021, Premier Alan Winde will join the provincial Minister of Education, Debbie Schäfer, and the Head: Education, Brent Walters, in announcing the provincial winners of the 2021 National Teaching Awards. Read More

Minister Schäfer celebrates the provincial winners of the NTA

3 September 2021

This evening I was joined by the Premier of the Western Cape, Alan Winde, as the WCED announced the provincial winners of the 2021 National Teaching Awards. They will go on to represent us in the national competition next month. Read More

38 schools fall victim to criminals during July school holidays

1 August 2021

38 Western Cape schools have reported incidents of vandalism, burglary, or attempted burglary, over the July school holidays. I am extremely disappointed that our schools have once again been targeted by ruthless criminals while closed for the... Read More

Gr. Rs & 1s at 2 schools receive toiletry packs through Mandela Day initiative

29 July 2021

This morning I visited Portia Primary School and Hyde Park Primary School to hand over toiletry packs to the Grade R and Grade 1 learners. Read More

Minister Schäfer encourages teachers to participate in the NTAs

27 July 2021

Nominations for the annual National Teaching Awards (NTA) are now open for 2021, giving us all the opportunity to recognise the incredible work that so many of our teachers have done over the past year. Read More

Media advisory: School readiness visits

27 July 2021

Today, 27 July 2021, Western Cape Education Minister, Debbie Schäfer, visited three Cape Town schools to assess readiness for the third term. The schools visited were: Read More

Minister Schäfer welcomes learners and staff back to school for the third term

25 July 2021

Our schools are looking forward to welcoming learners back to school tomorrow after the extended holiday. I wish our learners and staff a happy and productive start to the third term, and trust that the fact that they have had access to the vaccine... Read More

Minister Schäfer receives Covid-19 vaccine

12 July 2021

This morning I received my Covid-19 vaccine at the Parc du Cap vaccination site at Metropolitan Health in Bellville. I received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine as part of the education sector rollout, now that my age group is eligible. Read More

Minister Schäfer warns against abusing the education sector vaccine rollout

28 June 2021

The rollout of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine to the education sector got off to a great start last week, and we have received a positive response from those who have already had their vaccine. The numbers will ramp up this week as more sites... Read More

WCED Admissions for 2022: Parents to confirm places by tomorrow evening

24 June 2021

As reported previously, over 20 000 learners were accepted to more than one school for 2022. Therefore, over 20 000 places at schools will be made available to learners who were unsuccessful at a particular school. 50% of these are learners in Grade... Read More

Rollout of vaccines to the basic educator sector in the Western Cape begins

23 June 2021

50 staff members are scheduled to receive their vaccines today as we start the rollout of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for our province’s basic education sector. Read More

Media alert: Rollout of vaccines to the education sector

22 June 2021

Tomorrow, the Head of Education in the Province, Brent Walters will be joining union representatives, principal association members, teachers and public service staff to launch the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine to the education sector.   Read More

COVID-19 vaccination of educators and staff in the Western Cape

21 June 2021

The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is delighted that the National Government has secured additional doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) single dose COVID-19 vaccine for the education sector, including independent schools. Read More

Western Cape Government prepared to distribute vaccines to staff

19 June 2021

The WCED welcomes the announcement by the Minister of Basic Education that the rollout of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) single dose COVID-19 vaccine for all education sector staff will begin in the coming week. Read More

Minister Schäfer urges adherence to golden rules at all times during third wave

15 June 2021

With the Western Cape now in the third wave, we are seeing more evidence of community-level transmission which in turn affects our schools. There are currently 148 active cases amongst school staff members and 314 active case amongst learners in the... Read More

Investigation of DF Malan High School allegations underway

10 June 2021

I am deeply concerned by the allegations of discrimination against LGBTQI+ learners at DF Malan High School, which we were alerted to yesterday. Read More

2022 school admissions process still has a long way to go

2 June 2021

The initial round of offers for places in Western Cape schools is currently underway. Schools began to make the results of applications available to parents last week. Read More

Minister Schäfer wishes candidates well for the June NSC and SC examinations

27 May 2021

The combined National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Senior Certificate (SC) exams began in the province without incident yesterday. The exams continue until 7 July 2021. June session in numbers Read More

Application outcomes for the 2022 school year

24 May 2021

This morning, close to 150 000 registered users on the WCED admissions website will be eagerly waiting to see the outcome of their applications for the 2022 school year. Read More

WCED finalises plan to place remaining unplaced learners

22 April 2021

The WCED is currently implementing a plan to place the 2 550 learners that are currently registered as unplaced in the Western Cape. The plan includes the provision of 129 mobile classrooms to schools, as well as the addition of teaching posts.   Read More
