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Department of Infrastructure

Dispute resolution between tenants and landlords in residential properties

Service ID:

Dispute resolution between tenants and landlords in residential properties is a free service provided by the Rental Housing Tribunal to tenants and landlords throughout the Province of the Western Cape. Hearings and mediations are held as close as possible to the point of complaint.

Important to know

A tenant has the right to:

  • Not have his/her person or residence searched
  • Not have his/her property searched
  • Not have his/her possessions seized without an order of the court
  • Privacy of communication

A landlord has the right to:

  • Prompt and regular payment
  • Recover debt after a court order has been obtained
  • Terminate a lease on grounds not deemed unfair and as specified in the lease agreement
  • Upon termination of a lease, receive the property back in good state and repossess the property after a court order has been obtained
  • Claim compensation for damages/improvements

Frequently Asked Questions for Tenants

Frequently Asked Questions for Landlords

How do I qualify for the service?

Any tenant or landlord or group of tenants or landlords or interest group in the Western Cape may lodge complaints to the Western Cape Rental Housing Tribunal. This service is exclusive to complaints concerning the rental of property for residential purposes in the Western Cape.

Once a complaint has been registered:

The Tribunal will conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether the complaint relates to a dispute in respect of a matter which may constitute an unfair practice.
If the complaint does relate to such a dispute, the Tribunal will try to resolve the matter through informal or formal mediation.
If the parties are unable to reach an agreement, the case will be referred for a ruling at a formal hearing.

Official contacts for the service

Contact details for enquiries
Contact Centre: 0860 106 166
Please Call Me: 079 769 1207
SMS: Help to 31022

For all general enquiries

For dispute related enquiries
Submit all complaint forms, annexures and a copy of your lease agreement to E-mail:

Telephone: 021 483 5020 / 021 483 6495 / 021 483 3283

Fax: 021 483 3313

Register an enquiry online

View e-Service

Complaints must be lodged on the complaint form prescribed by the Procedural Regulations, obtainable from the Tribunal. It can be submitted via fax, email and post.

Where to access the service?

The services can be accessed by visiting our offices, Ground Floor, ISM Building, 27 Wale Street, Cape Town, or by phoning 0860 106 166.

Where do I find the forms I need to fill in?

You can download the relevant complaint and the prescribed application forms.

You can now register your Rental Housing complaint online.