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Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport

Western Cape Archives

Service ID:
Arts, Culture, Heritage and Sport

What can you find at the Archives?
The Western Cape Archives and Records Service (WCARS) collects, manages, digitises and preserves records that have research or historical value, related to the Western Cape. We have more than 45kms of records in all formats - from documents to maps to photographs and oral history recordings.

Our government records span a 400-year period - from 1651 onwards.  We continue to receive records as, by law, after 20 years, all Western Cape government departments must send their records of historical value to the Archives. We also accept donations from private individuals and organisations that tell the story of our province. We are proud to hold the memory of our province.
For more information download our brochure Documenting Lives (English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa).

Can you do your own research at the Archives?
We are a free public service, and anyone is welcome to do any kind of historical or family research or, find documents needed for legal matters. You do not need an appointment.

We are open to the public at 72 Roeland Street, Cape Town from 08:00 to 16:00 from Monday to Friday, and from 08:00 to 14:00 on the first and third Saturday of the month. We close between Christmas and New Year. Free visitor parking in Drury Lane.

For more information on research and opening times contact 021 483 4000 or email

We contribute to the National Archives Automated Archival Information Retrieval
System (NAAIRS). Descriptions of some of our records can be searched on this database.

How do I learn more about the Archives and how it works? 
The Western Cape Archives and Records Service offers the following education programmes to schools, tertiary institutions and community groups.

•    Archives Awareness presentations
These presentations are to raise awareness about the Archives, the importance of our documentary heritage, and possible careers in archives.

•    Behind-the-scenes tours of the Western Cape Archives 
Take a peek at the work that goes on behind the scenes at the Archives, breathe in that “old book” smell, and meet the archivists at work, including those involved in preservation and digitisation.  

•    Unboxing the Past: Researching Cape Slavery for Grade 10s
This programme links specifically to the Grade 10 CAPS Curriculum. Learners are introduced to the process of doing historical research using primary sources related to slavery at the Cape in a hands-on learning experience. See flyer for more details.

•    Archives Awareness Week 
This annual event in early May (5-9 May 2025) is when we when we put what we do, how we do it, and the fascinating stories we hold in the spotlight with tours, events and workshops. More details coming soon.

Booking for programmes is essential. Email All programmes are offered all year round, either at your location or at the Archives (own transport required), are free of charge, and can be customised to meet your needs.

For simple information on what archives are and how to do archival research, download our pamphlet (English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa).

What does the Records Service do? 
Our Records Management team assist government departments and municipalities in identifying records that have archival value and should be transferred to the Archives after 20 years. They also provide training on how to organise current records, including electronic records. This ensures when government records come to the Archives, they are in good order. Records Management ensures good governance, accountability and transparency - all crucial for democracy.

How do I create my own community archive? 
Many community organisations have different kinds of material that the organisation has collected over the years. Staff or volunteers want to care for the material entrusted to them but are sometimes not sure where to start.

The Western Cape Archives and Records Service has a new free resource for community archives.

You can download the whole Guide:
How to organise, manage and care for your archive: A guide for community organisations in South Africa
Or specific sections:
Part One -Organise Your Archive
Part Two -Preservation
Part Three –Access
Part Four -Records Management
Part Five -Additional resources

What other resources does the Western Cape Archives and Records Service provide? 
•    Digitisation Policy of Western Cape Governmental Bodies 
•    Records Management Policy of Western Cape Governmental Bodies 
•    Archives and Human Rights 
•    Archives for Africa Day 
•    Archival sources on:
Beaufort West

Access Western Cape Archives

View e-Service

You can visit the Reading Room at the Western Cape Archives which is open to the public from 08:00 to 16:00 from Monday to Friday, and from 08:00 to 14:00 on either the first and third or first and fourth Saturday of each month. The Reading Room is closed on Sundays and public holidays