Safe traditional initiation
The Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) recognises the importance of cultural traditional practices.
As a cultural rite of passage, male initiation illustrates the transition from boyhood to manhood. There are 2 seasons in the Western Cape for this noble tradition. Each year winter initiation takes place from May to July and the summer season is from November to January.
DCAS promotes safe and healthy initiation through its initiation guidelines, the development of appropriate infrastructure at initiation sites and by involving custodians throughout the province. It also draws on the intellectual capacity of cultural and medical practitioners.
You can read more about the steps to follow when you want to take your son for initiation in the Western Cape and find the contact details of the Chairpersons of Initiation Forums online.
The departmental support is guided by the Initiation Framework and Protocol and encourages:
- Community participation on issues pertaining to initiation.
- Greater community awareness.
- Increased awareness of health concerns.
- Co-operation with health institutions.
- The establishment of practitioner structures.
- Standardisation of the practice.
- Skilled traditional practitioners and carers.
- Bringing the practice in line with the modern trends.
- Seasonal job creation opportunities in line with the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP).
- Secure and serviced initiation sites.
- Mainstreaming of the practice.
Together, we’re creating a safe and enabling environment for the effective rite of passage for young men during customary initiation season. Find out more:
- Informative facts in Afrikaans, English and Xhosa
- Initiation Framework and Protocols in Afrikaans, English and Xhosa
- A safer and healthier journey from childhood to adulthood: Afrikaans, English and Xhosa
- What is Medical Male Circumcision (MMC)?
Let us continue to preserve traditional cultural practices in the Western Cape.