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Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport

Cape Town Cycle Tour brings many opportunities to the province


The Western Cape Government is looking forward to seeing more than 30 000 cyclists take part in the Cape Town Cycle tour on Sunday, 9 March 2025.

This iconic event is an annual highlight of Cape Town and the Western Cape’s sporting calendar, with participants travelling from across South Africa and the world to take part.

Major sporting events such as the Cape Town Cycle Tour bring many benefits to our province: international and domestic cyclists will boost our already thriving tourism sector, so critical to creating jobs.

Provincial Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Ricardo Mackenzie, who will also be taking part, said, “We welcome all cyclists to our province, and I am excited to see more and more people taking up cycling and living active and healthy lifestyles. Please be safe during the tour. All the best to the riders and the organisers – I look forward to seeing you out on the road.”

The Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport supports major sporting events in the province as they encourage regular participation in sport, as well as playing an important role in the economy, from tourism and hospitality, retail, to creating direct and indirect jobs.

Media Enquiries:
Tania Colyn
Head of Communications
Cell: 076 093 4913