Launch of Skate Park at Saxonsea Secondary School - News | After School Game Changer

Launch of Skate Park at Saxonsea Secondary School

4 August 2018

On Saturday 4th August, Saxonsea Secondary school hosted a participatory launch event with learners and the Atlantis community to celebrate their new skate park. This event followed the formal launch of both the Saxonsea SS and Reygersdal PS skate parks by the Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Anroux Marais, held on 14th May 2018.

The After School Game Changer (ASGC) has partnered with Indigo Youth Movement to build two skate parks at schools in Atlantis. This work forms part of an area wide partnership between the Western Cape Government and the City of Cape Town to improve the quality and coordination of After School Programmes across the communities of Atlantis, Mamre and Pella.

As part of building a movement of extended education, the ASGC has recognised the need to respond to diverse learner interests and is always interested in testing different offerings within sport, academic, technology and arts programming. For those learners looking for an adrenaline rush, these two skate parks also offer supervised structured programming, to ensure that learners are taught to skate safely.

Skateboarding is more than just a fun activity, it promotes peer interaction and provides healthy exercise. The commitment of the principals at these two schools serves as encouragement to their community to work with a range of partners to offer learners the much needed safe and caring space to engage their passions, ignite their imaginations and envision their life opportunities better.

For more details email:

Bridget Hannah

021 483 9844