Innovation Fund Update: Olico Timestable Challenge - News | After School Game Changer

Innovation Fund Update: Olico Timestable Challenge

1 June 2018

What's the project?

For the past few weeks over 1000 learners from more than 40 school groups from across the Western Cape have been competing in the OLICO Maths times-table challenge, funded by the Innovation Fund. Between them they have already submitted over 500 000 correct answer attempts and have been gearing up for the final on 1 June 2018 at UWC. Learners will compete against each other to determine the top times-tablers in each grade.

Peter Wächtler, OLICO’s Western Cape Coordinator explained: “Each week, learners were challenged to master a new times-table by practicing both in the classroom and on OLICO’s free online maths tool ("