#enrichED Symposium and lessons from the UK after. - News | After School Game Changer

#enrichED Symposium and lessons from the UK after.

8 June 2019

Interview originally posted on CapeTalk: http://www.capetalk.co.za/podcasts/121/weekend-breakfast-with-africa-melane/217923/enriched-symposium-and-lessons-from-the-uk-after

Weekend Breakfast with Africa Melane

Andria Zafirakou is a teacher at Alperton Community School in the United Kingdom and she is in South Africa to talk about after school education programmes. There are differences between our school systems - like the fact that Alperton has a maximum of 30 children in a class. They also have similarities to South Africa, like having to tackle problems of inequality. Take a listen to John Maytham's interview with Andria Zafirakou.

Listen to the full interview here: http://www.capetalk.co.za/podcasts/121/weekend-breakfast-with-africa-melane/217923/enriched-symposium-and-lessons-from-the-uk-after