#enrichED Symposium 2019 - News | After School Game Changer

#enrichED Symposium 2019

6 June 2019

Interview originally posted on CapeTalk: http://www.capetalk.co.za/podcasts/294/upfront-with-refilwe-moloto/217237/enriched-symposium-guest-dr-ramon-gonzalez

Upfront with Refilwe Moloto 

 Guest: Dr Ramón González

The #enrichED Symposium is a collaborative learning event focused on celebrating the growth of the After School Movement over the last three years. Hosted by the Western Cape Government's After School Programme Office, this symposium will examine the systems, partnerships, capacity building and co-ordination that has made this growth possible. Together we will map how we can build the After School Movement and enrich EDucation within the country. There are far too many young people in the province who are leaving school each day and entering unsafe, violent neighbourhoods and homes with no adult supervision. 

Listen to the full interview here: http://www.capetalk.co.za/podcasts/294/upfront-with-refilwe-moloto/217237/enriched-symposium-guest-dr-ramon-gonzalez