[APPLICATIONS CLOSED] APPLY to join the After School Game Changer Grade 4 Academic Programme - News | After School Game Changer

[APPLICATIONS CLOSED] APPLY to join the After School Game Changer Grade 4 Academic Programme

14 January 2019

What is the ASGC Grade 4 Academic Support Programme?

The After School Game Changer is offering a catch up programme targeting Grade 4 learners who are struggling academically, with after school support in literacy and Maths.

The purpose of the programme is twofold:

  1. provide academic support which strengthens and improves learners’ academic abilities and performance in numeracy and literacy; and
  2. to provide unemployed matriculants, aged between 18-30 years old, with valuable work experience and personal and professional development

The programme is implemented during and after school hours. Tutors are allocated to a Grade 4 class and support the teacher during the day, by providing one on one reading support to the learners on the programme. After School Hours, tutors will independently run sessions with the selected groups of learners. These sessions are run Monday to Thursday afternoons, for two hours each, and focus on Maths, English/ Afrikaans and homework. Learners attend the programme twice a week.

To be a part of this valuable programme, please download the application form by clicking here and send applications and queries to grade4@comchest.org.za or phone 21 483 9844.


Du Noon: Du Noon Primary

Marconi Beam: Marconi Beam Primary

Atlantis: Grosvenor Primary/ Reygersdal Primary/ Saxonsea Primary

Khayelitsha: Nomsa Primary/ Eloxolweni Primary/ Nkazimlo Primary/ Ludwe Primary

Worcester: PJB Cona Primary/ Alfred Stamper Primary/ Essellen Park Primary/ Worcester Oefen Primary/ Siyafuneka Primary/ Roodewal Primary