After School Game Changer Newsletter: December 2017 - News | After School Game Changer

After School Game Changer Newsletter: December 2017

15 December 2017

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As we reach midway through the Game Changer term, it is apt to be launching this newsletter to share progress and news with partners. Together with you, we have made significant progress towards meeting our goal of 20% of Western Cape learners in no-fee and low-fee schools participating in quality after school programmes at least twice a week. The year in review provides some of the highlights in our efforts to understand the sector, map and audit After School Programmes in the Province, identify needs and coordinate the sector.

The need to boost the capacity and professionalise the sector is key to building quality programmes and much of this year has focused on catalysing initiatives to achieve this. We are proud to have launched the Extended Education Practitioners’ course with Stellenbosch and Rutgers Universities. We are also delighted with progress with all the building blocks that have informed this qualification. Our partnership with DG Murray Trust focused on the social and emotional wellbeing of practitioners and learners; we collaborated with ASSITEJ SA to enhance the arts sector through playmaking workshops that will help upskill practitioners; and we introduced our Code of Conduct, which sets the framework for practitioners’ work. Read about these training interventions here or in the link below.

We are pleased to profile excellence with our PrincipalNGO and Sport Coach AwardsThe excellent work of all the candidates provides a benchmark for others and helps to drive us towards quality programming.

We look forward to working with you for the remainder of the Game Changer term as we strive towards meeting our goal of quality, inclusive after school programmes for at least 112 000 no- and low-fee Western Cape learners.

Year in Review
In 2017, we've racked up a number of achievements with our many, valued partners. Here are some of the highlights
Training You Want and Need
During the past year, we introduced three new training programmes in conjunction with various partners.
Rietenbosch Principal Comes Out Tops
Find out why Roy van Rooyen deserves this year's Leadership Excellence Award.
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