Energy | 110% Green

An annual publication that demonstrates the Western Cape Government's (WCGs) commitment to managing and improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of its property holdings.

Property Efficiency Report 2021/22

Loadshedding has become a significant risk factor that threatens the survival of many SMEs. The IDC intends to reduce this impact, by providing concessionary funding to Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) to enable

them to supply financed energy solutions to SMEs across all sectors of the economy.


  • To reduce barriers to accessing energy solutions for SMEs by providing concessionary funding to ESCOs
  • For ESCOs to pass the benefits of the concessionary funding to the SMEs across all sectors of the economy through reduced tariffs/lease payments
  • To support SMEs that prefer to have a financed energy solution rather than owning the asset

For more information click on the below:

The Western Cape Government has developed Standard Wheeling Agreements available to assist municipalities:

Some additional resources can be found below:

  1. Eskom's Virtual Wheeling Platform:
  2. Embedded Generation Resource Portal Cost of Supply Template and ToR: Cost of Supply Studies - Embedded Generation Resource Portal (
  3. Embedded Generation Resource Portal Template for Municipal Wheeling Guideline: Template Municipal Wheeling Guideline - Embedded Generation Resource Portal (
  4. Embedded Generation Resource Portal Framework Templates: Template Municipal Wheeling Guideline - Embedded Generation Resource Portal (
  5. Embedded Generation Resource Portal Training: Training Archives - Embedded Generation Resource Portal (

Western Cape Premier Alan Winde hosted a Cabinet meets business with a focus on energy on the 23 August 2022. With the economic impact of South Africa's energy crisis high on the agenda, this engagement was centered on sharing the efforts of the government and Eskom to build our energy resilience into the future.

Speakers included Premier Alan Winde, Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis, Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter, and other WCG and City of Cape Town officials.

To read more on the presentations, click on the below:


The Western Cape Government (WCG) held an energy workshop on 27th July 2022 under the theme “Mapping Our Energy Pathway”. As part of the WCG's ongoing efforts, bold proposals and solutions were put on the table for speedy consideration. The energy workshop covered a range of cross-cutting energy topics – including municipal procurement, pool buying and Independent Power Producers (IPPs), green hydrogen, wheeling, Small-scale embedded generation (SSEG), battery storage and Liquid Natural Gas (LNG).

To access the presentations, click on the links below:

Theme 1 -  Setting the context

Theme 2 - Energy resilience for public and private sector

Theme 3 -  Emerging opportunities ... or not?

LNG A Trikam 270722 .pdf (pdf, 770.12 KB)
Energy 2022 MIR.JPG

GreenCape, through the support of the Western Cape Government, has released their market intelligence reports on various green economy sectors. Through close working relationships with businesses, investors, government, and academia, the sector desks are in a unique position to collect, create, and disseminate free market intelligence on the green economy.

Market intelligence reports (MIRs)

Who are they for? The reports are written for investors and businesses who are currently active or interested in green economy sectors in the Western Cape and South Africa.

What's in them? Each report provides an overview of the market within a sector, including key developments and achievements, the key players, legislation and regulation, market opportunities and challenges, funding opportunities, and an overview of general green economy investment opportunities.

Access the energy reports below:


To access older MIRs click on this link:

The Department of Economic Development and Tourism has worked with GreenCape who provides credible, quality resources to assist investors, businesses, and others working in the green economy. Under the direction of DEDAT, Green Cape have developed various industry briefs and case studies for both the water and energy sectors for businesses to become resilient.