Sustain our Africa’s Sustainability Summit - News | 110% Green

Sustain our Africa’s Sustainability Summit

20 March 2013

Their commitment of hosting a Sustainability Summit has resulted in the creation of a wide network of likeminded organisations and individuals.  

Sustain our Africa (SoA), a 110% Green Flagship project, committed to creating a collaborative sustainability communications platform that acts as a catalyst for change. By cultivating awareness, showcasing inspirational stories and hosting practical tools for change SoA aims to build an abundant, resilient Africa that can deliver ENOUGH. FOR ALL. FOREVER.

SoA has successfully created a collaborative communications platform through:

  • Hosting a successful media launch on the 24 May 2012
  • Hosting Africa’s first full circle Sustainability Summit during October 2012 during which the Change Agent annual was launched

These platforms are supported online via SoA’s website, Facebook and Twitter accounts.

The Sustainability Summit was held between 22 and 27 October 2012 at the V&A Waterfront and opened by Premier Helen Zille. It was attended by a mix of delegates from business, NGOs, academic institutions, civil servants and private individuals. The delegates enjoyed inspirational talks by sustainability thought leaders from across the world including Gunter Pauli, Claire Janisch and Dr Marie Parramon-Gurney. 

Growing from this conference, the 2013 Sustain our Africa Summit aims to extend its network both nationally, into Africa and into lower income groups to ensure they inspire from the bottom up. They also aim to strive for more media partnerships across the continent to ensure the SoA message travels further.

110% Green looks forward to supporting the SoA Summit and seeing the growth in their commitment and impact for 2013.