GreenCape launches Green Outcomes Fund in partnership with National Jobs Fund and others - News | 110% Green

GreenCape launches Green Outcomes Fund in partnership with National Jobs Fund and others

15 April 2020

GreenCape launches Green Outcomes Fund in partnership with National Jobs Fund and others


GreenCape in partnership with the National Jobs Fund, the World Bank, WWF South Africa and the UCT GSB Bertha Centre have launched a R488 million Green Outcomes Fund (GOF) to support and grow small, medium and micro enterprises in South Africa’s green economy.

The Green Outcomes Fund (GOF) aims to achieve clearly defined green outcomes, encourage greater capital allocation to green businesses by local fund managers and catalyse increased and higher quality, consistent, reporting of green impacts.

The GOF will provide incentives to local fund managers to promote increased investment in green SMMEs and build a common set of green metrics within the local investment industry.

To learn more about this first of a kind fund, how it works and the funding process go here.

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