Tuberculosis (TB) | Western Cape Government

Tuberculosis (TB)

Mobilising against Tuberculosis: South African Plan for TB Control

(Strategic Plan or Business Plan)
(File type: pdf; size: 1.58 MB)Department of Health (National) (The Government of South Africa)

Multi-Drug Resistant TB Fact Sheet

(Public Information)
This fact sheet explains what Multi-Drug Resistant TB is and provides information on its treatment and prevention.

TB Control Programme

The 90-90-90 goals for the TB Control Programme are that 90% of all people who need tuberculosis treatment are diagnosed and receive appropriate therapy as required, that 90% of people in key and vulnerable populations are diagnosed and receive the appropriate therapy, and that we achieve treatment success for at least 90% of all people diagnosed with TB.

TB Indaba, 2003-03-01

(Newsletter/Magazine Issue)
(File type: pdf; size: 1.24 MB)

TB Policies

Department of Health and Wellness (Western Cape Government)
TB control policies in the Western Cape and various circulars issued on this topic. Includes a description of TB, how it is spread, how it affects different age groups and the relevance of the DOTS strategy.

The Management of Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in South Africa

(Guidelines, Manuals and Instructions)
(File type: pdf; size: 856.94 KB)Department of Health (National) (The Government of South Africa)
This guideline is meant for those health workers who deal with patients who have multi-drug resistant TB. Information includes, diagnosis, treatment and management of the patient.

Trainers' Manual for TB Treatment Supporters

(Guidelines, Manuals and Instructions)
Department of Health and Wellness (Western Cape Government)
Training programme for volunteers in the community who want to become treatment supporters of people who have Tuberculosis.

Western Cape TB Control Programme: Medium-Term Development Plan 2002-2005

(Strategic Plan or Business Plan)
Department of Health and Wellness (Western Cape Government)