Home schooling: requirements and registration | Western Cape Government

Home schooling: requirements and registration

Shot of a mother helping her daughter with school work at homeWhat is home education?

Home education is an alternative to attending public or independent schools where a parent of a learner who is of compulsory school-going age may provide education for their own children at home. Parents can apply to the head of the Western Cape Education Department to register their children for home education.

Registering your child:

Apply electronically, using the applicable application form, to the head of Western Cape Education Department and attach the following documents with it:

  • parent/s certified ID copy,
  • last copy of a school report (if your child was in school before, but if your child is only starting school now you must attach an immunisation card),
  • weekly timetable which includes contact time per day,
  • breakdown of terms per year (196 days per year),
  • learning programme, and
  • certified copy of your child’s birth certificate.


It may take up to 30 days for your application to be processed.

How much does it cost?

The service is free.

A young caucasian girl doing her math schoolwork at homeCurriculum:

Lessons offered to children must fall within the scope of the following compulsory phases of education:

Benefits of homeschooling 

According to SA Homeschoolers, home schooling carry these benefits:

  • Home is a safe space and a child can develop without the threat of being bullied.
  • Parents can develop the full personality of their children that is intellectually, emotionally, social, physical and ethical.
  • The pace of learning can be adjusted.
  • Parents are able to guide their children's emotional development and IQ.
  • Children are taught manners and ethics, therefore are able to socially interact with other people and make good choices with friendships.

Drawbacks of homeschooling

  • Parents take on the full responsibility for the education of their children which can be overwhelming. 
  • Parents are subject to criticism from friends and families on their choice to home educate their children. 
  • Parents can find teaching multiple ages at once a challenge as well as teaching difficult subjects.
  • The homeschool parent are with their children 24/7. Moms who need some alone time need to schedule to meet their needs. 
  • As one parent stays at home to teach the children most homeschool families live on a single income. There are however many homeschool moms who start a home business where they also involve their children.

Records to keep after registering

  • Record of attendance.
  • Portfolio of your child’s work.
  • Up-to-date records of your child’s progress.
  • Portfolio of the educational support given to your child.
  • Evidence of the continuous assessment of your child’s work.
  • Evidence of the assessment and or examination at the end of each year.
  • Evidence at the end of grade 3,6 and 9, that shows whether your child has achieved the outcomes for these grades.
  • All relevant assessment results for a period of 3 years for monitoring by the Head of Department.

Independent assessment

At the end of every phase, parents must appoint, at your own expense, an independent, suitably qualified person, who is approved by the Head of Education, to assess your child’s progress at the end of that phase.

You can approach a public school or a registered independent school for help in finding an appropriate person. The assessor must submit a statement to the Head of Education confirming that your child has reached the required level.

Ending Home Education Registration

Should your child be admitted to a public school or registered independent school, you must request the Head of Department in writing to terminate the learner's registration for home education.

For more information, contact the Western Cape Home Education co-ordinator:

Mr DD Louw
Tel: 021 467 2653
Fax: 021 467 2565
E-mail: deon.louw@westerncape.gov.za
P/ Bag X 9114, Cape Town, 8000

The content on this page was last updated on 8 February 2019