Technical Indicator Description | Western Cape Government

Technical Indicator Description

The purpose of publishing the Technical Indicator Description (TID) is to increase its visibility, accessiblity and transparency to the public, of the planned performance targets by government for the current year, prescribed in the National Treasury Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans (2007). 

TIDs are the detailed descriptions of a Department’s key performance indicators in its Annual Performance Plan. 

Download the TID reports below:

Latest: Technical Indicator Description 2019/20


Technical Indicator Description 2018/19

Technical Indicator Report 2017/18

Technical Report Indicator 2016/17

For more information:

Please contact the Deputy Director: Peformance Monitoring, Gail Smith  on 021 483 9511 alternatively send an email to


The content on this page was last updated on 29 March 2019