English-isiXhosa Government Terminology | Western Cape Government

English-isiXhosa Government Terminology

(Western Cape Government)
The following terms are frequently used in parliamentary context:
Esi sigama nezi nkcazelo zilandelayo zisetyenziswa kakhulu epalamente.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


Refusal to vote either for or against a question.

Ukungavoti Ukukhetha ukungabi nacala ulivotelayo.

Act of Parliament

When a Bill has become a law i.e. it has been assented to by the President/Premier. Unless a provision of the Act specifies otherwise, the Act comes into force on the date of assent.

UMthetho wePalamente Kubhekiswa kuMthetho oYilwayo xa sele ungumthetho, oko kukuthi wamkelwe nguMongameli/yiNkulumbuso. UMthetho uqalisa ukusebenza ngaloo mhla wamkelwe ngawo, ngaphandle kokuba kwawona lowo unendawo echaza ukuba awunakusebenza ngaloo mhla.

Ad Hoc Committee

A temporary parliamentary committee established for a specific purpose and with a limited life span.

IKomiti yeXeshana Yikomiti yePalamente emiselwe nje ukuba iqwalasele umcimbi othile, ipheliswe yakuwuqabelisa emva kwelo xesha ibilisikelwe.


When a sitting of a Parliament is brought to a close after business has been concluded.

Ukuchithakala Kukufika kwendibano yePalamente esiphelweni, yakuba iqoshelisiwe imicimbi yaloo mini.

Alternate Member

A Member appointed to substitute a core Member of a committee normally where a standing select committee (portfolio committee) has been assigned more than one portflio.

Ilungu elililalela Ilungu elinyulelwe ukuba lize lingene endaweni yelo lisisigxina kwikomiti ethile, ngakumbi xa loo komiti ijongana nemicimbi yamasebe angaphezulu kwelinye.


Changes (or proposed changes) to a Bill or motions before the House or a committee.

Izilungiso Iinguqulelo ezenziweyo (okanye ekuthiwa mazenziwe) kuMthetho oYilwayo okanye kwiziphakamiso ezithe zandlalwa eNdlwini okanye ekomitini.


A sum of money allocated by Parliament for a specific purpose outlined in the government spending estimates.

Uhlahlo-mali Isixa-mali ethe iPalamente yasabela ukwenza into ethile echazwe kuqikelelo-nkcitho lukarhulumente

Appropriation Bill

A Bill to authorise government expenditure. An appropriation Bill can only be introduced by the Minister responsible for Finance.

UMthetho oYilwayo woHlahlo-mali UMthetho oYilwayo ogunyazisa urhulumente ukuba angenza inkcitho-mali ethile. Lo Mthetho uYilwayo ungeniswa kuphela nguMphathiswa osingethe imicimbi yeMali.

Auditor General

The person responsible for the independent examination of the Government’s accounts.

UMhloli-zincwadi-Jikelele Lowo mntu unomsebenzi wokuhlola iinkcitho zikarhulumente.


A Member who does not hold a leadership position in his/her party and is not a parliamentary office-bearer.

Ilungu elingenasikhundla Lelo lungu lingenasikhundla sabunkokeli kwiqela lalo, nalapha epalamente.

Ballot paper

A paper on which a voter indicates his/her choice. In the House secret ballots are used only for the election of the Premier, Speaker and Deputy Speaker.

Iphetshana lokuvota Liphepha athi umvoti abonise kulo ukuba ukhetha bani na. Apha eNdlwini amaphetshana okuvota abonwa kuphela ngulowo uvotayo asetyenziswa kuphela xa kunyulwa iNkulumbuso yePhondo, uSomlomo noSekela-Somlomo.


A legislative body comprised of two chambers or houses.

Undlumbini Isigqeba sokuwisa imithetho esinezindlu ezimbini


A proposed new law, or draft law, which has not yet been passed by the House.

UMthetho oYilwayo Ngumthetho omtsha osaqulunqwayo ongekaphunyezwa yiNdlu.

Bill of Rights

A part of national Constitution which outlines the basic rights of of every citizen.

USomqulu waMalungelo Licandelo loMgaqo-siseko wesizwe ekuchazwa kulo amalungelo omntu wonke.


The provincial Government’s statement of its fiscal, economic and social policies. It is usually presented once a year.

Uhlahlo lwabiwo-mali Ludweliso lwemigaqo-nkqubo kaRhulumente wephondo ephathelele kwezemali, kwezoqoqosho nakwezentlalo. Lukholisa ukwenziwa kanye ngonyaka.

Budget epeech

A speech made in the House by the Minister responsible for Finance introducing the provincial Government’s budget.

Intetho yohlahlo lwabiwo-mali Intetho eyenziwa eNdlwini nguMphathiswa wezeMali xa esandlala uhlahlo-mali lukaRhulumente wephondo.


Laws written by Municipal Councils.

Umthetho kamasipala Ngumthetho owiswe liBhunga likaMasipala


The executive of the Government. It comprises the Premier and his Ministers.

Ikhabhinethi Sisigqeba esilawulayo sikarhulumente. SineNkulumbuso yePhondo nabaPhathiswa

Cabinet Minister

A member of the Executive, appointed by the Premier and usually chosen from amongst existing Members. Ministers are responsible to the provincial Parliament for their official actions and those of their Departments.

Umphathiswa Lilungu leSigqeba esilawulayo elityunjwe yiNkulumbuso yePhondo, nelikholisa ukutyunjwa kuMalungu alapha epalamente. Abaphathiswa baphantsi kolawulo lwepalamente yephondo kwizinto abazenzayo nezenzeka kumasebe abo.

Casting Vote

A deciding vote by the Presiding Officer when there is an equal number of votes.

Ivoti yokuqhawula ulingano Yivoti yeGosa eliseSihlalweni elithi liyenze xa kubanjenwe ngenani leevoti, ngenjongo yokuqhawula olo lingano.


The place where the House meets its plenary sittings.

Igumbi leeNgxoxo/ Itsheyimba Yiloo ndawo ziqhutyelwe kuyo iindibano zeNdlu

Civil servant

Government official, also known as a public servant.

Umsebenzi wakwarhulumente Ngumntu oqeshwe ngurhulumente

Civil service / public service

The body responsible for implementing the policies of Government.

Inkonzo yakwarhulumente Ngumsebenzi wokuqhutywa kwemigaqo-nkqubo karhulumente


A division of a Bill consisting of an individual sentence or statement. Once a Bill becomes an Act, its clauses are referred to as sections.

Umhlathi Yinxenye yoMthetho oYilwayo esenokuba sisivakalisi esinye okanye inkcazo. Xa uMthetho oYilwayo uphunyeziwe wangumthetho imihlathi yawo kuye kuthiwe ngamacandelo.

Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA)

The CCMA is an independent statutory body that helps anyone whose labour rights have been violated and/or is a victim of an unfair labour practice.

Ikhomishoni yoLamlo noSombululo (i-CCMA) Le yikhomishoni ezimeleyo emiselwe ngomthetho ngenjongo yokuba incede nabani na othe wahluthelwa amalungelo akhe okanye othe waba lixhoba leenkqubo zasemsebenzini ezitenxileyo

Commission for Gender Equality (CGE)


This is watchdog for gender equality and is particularly concerned with the rights of women.

Ikhomishoni yoLingano lweZini Le Khomishoni ngumbeki-liso kulingano ngokwezini, kwaye igxininisa kumalungelo amabhinqa

Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities

This Commission promotes respect for all communities in South Africa with regard to culture, religion and language.

Ikhomishoni yoKhuthazo NoKhuselo lwaMalungelo KwezeNkcubeko, kwezeNkonzo NakwiiLwimi Le Khomishoni ikhuthaza ukuxatyiswa kwabo bonke abahlali boMzantsi Afrika ngokuphathelele kwizithethe namasiko abo, iinkonzo zabo neelwimi zabo.


A group of Members assigned to consider issues relating to a Particular subject area. Committees consider and report on Bills and issues which the House refers to them. They also provide an oversight function of Government and Departments.

Ikomiti Iqela lamalungu elinikwe uxanduva lokusingatha izinto eziphathelele kumba othile. Iikomiti ziqwalasela iMithetho eYilwayo zinike neengxelo zazo ngayo, nazo naziphi na ke ezinye izinto ezithe zadluliselwa kuzo yiNdlu. Zikwabeka neliso kwimisebenzi kaRhulumente naMasebe kaRhulumente.

Committee of Whole House

All of the Members of the House sitting as a committee. Presided over by a chairperson rather than by the Speaker, it performs a detailed study of Bills and any other matter referred to it by the House.

IKomiti yeNdlu Yonke Xa onke amalungu eNdlu ehleli eyikomiti. Ichotshelwa ngusihlalo ongenguye uSomlomo, kwaye iphicotha nzulu iMithetho eYilwayo nezinye ke izinto ezithe zadluliselwa kuyo yiNdlu.

Conflict of interest

A conflict arising from any interest, pecuniary or other, which interferes with a Member’s ability to perform his/her functions. Such a conflict may prevent a Member from voting on agiven issue.

Ingozi yedolo Kuxa ilungu lisenokuhendeka ukuba lixhase icala elithile kuba liya kuthi nalo libe nolutho oluluxhamlayo ngaloo nkxaso, lize libe ke njalo linokusilela ekwenzeni umsebenzi walo ngokunyanisekileyo; mhlawumbi loo meko yimeko enxulumene nemali. Xa kukho ingozi elolu hlobo loo nto ingenza ukuba ilungu kufuneke lingavoti kuloo mba.


An electoral district to whom an elected representative is responsible.

Ingingqi yelungu Ingingqi yovoto (okanye isithili sovoto) ajongene nayo lowo unyulelwe ukuba ngummeli wayo.


The supreme law of the land by which the country is governed.

Umgaqo-siseko Ngowona Mthetho mkhulu ekulawulwa ngawo ilizwe.

Constitutonal Court

The highest court dealing only with matters relating to the Constitution. All laws can be tested in the Constitutional Court to ensure that they are not in conflict with the Constitution.

Inkundla yezoMgaqo-siseko Yeyona nkundla iphezulu isingatha imiba ephathelele kuMgaqo-siseko. Yonke imithetho inokuhlolwa phaya kuyo ngelokuqinisekisa ukuba ayichasanananga na noMgaqo-siseko.

Contempt of Parliament

An offence against an authority or dignity of Parliament, including disobedience of its orders or libel against it or its Memebers.

Ukudela iPalamente Ityala okanye isono sokudela okanye sokutshabhisa igunya lePalamente, esinokubandakanya utyeshelo lwemiyalelo yayo okanye ukungcolisa kwegama layo okanye elamalungu ayo.

Co-operative government

Co-operative government obliges the three spheres of government (national, provincial and local) to work together in a supportive manner.

Uburhulumente bentsebenziswano Uburhulumente bentsebenziswano bunyanzela amanqanaba amathathu karhulumente ukuba asebenzisane, axhasane (lawo ke ngurhulumente wesizwe, owamaphondo noomasipala).

Delegated legislation

Regulations made by the departments, boards or agencies by virtue of power conferred on them by some Act of Parliament.

Uwiso-mthetho olugunyazisiweyo Yimigaqo eyenziwe ngamasebe karhulumente, iibhodi nezigqeba ezingabenzeli, ngokwamagunya eziwanikwa nguMthetho wePalamente othile.


Discussions in a committee meeting or plenary sitting without decisions being taken.

Iingxoxo Ziingxoxo eziqhutywa kwintlanganiso yekomiti okanye kwiindibano zepalamente, kungekho zigqibo zithathwayo kuzo.

Deputy Speaker

A person elected to assist the Speaker and to act as Speaker when the latter is absent. Deputy Speaker also acts as Chair of Committees during Committee of the Whole House.

USekela-Somlomo Ngulowo mntu unyulelwe ukuba ancedise uSomlomo ambambele xa engekho. Ukwachophela neentlanganiso zekomiti yeNdlu Yonke.


The physical dividing of the Members into two groups (the “Ayes” or Noes”) in order to indicate the support or otherwise for a question .

Ukwahlula (iNdlu) Oku kubhekisele kuvotiso lwamalungu ngenjongo yokubona inkxaso okanye inkcaso yomba othile (kubekho athi ``Ewe'', kubekho nathi ``Hayi'')

Division list

A list giving the results of a recorded division, printed in the Minutes of Proceedings. Members, identified by name, are listed under “Ayes or Noes”.

Uluhlu lweziphumo zolwahlulo Luluhlu olubonisa indlela avote ngayo amalungu oluza kubhalwa kwiMizuzu yeNdibano. Kolu luhlu amagama amalungu ayadweliswa phantsi ko-``Ewe'' naphantsi ko-``Hayi'' ngokokuvota kwawo.


A restriction on the distribution or publication of a document or the information it contains, untli some time stipulated for its release.

Ukubanjwa kopapasho Kuxa iimpepha ezithile zisabanjiwe ukuba zifunyanwe nguwonke-wonke okanye zipapashwe, de kufike ixesha elibekelwe oko.

Erskine May’s Parliamentary Procedure

A procedural authority providing a complete description of the rules, practices and precedents in the United Kingdom’s House of Commons at Westminster. The original edition was prepared in 1884 by Sir Thomas Erskine May, Clerk of the British House of Commons. Commonly referred to as Erskine May or simply May.

Umgaqo-nkqubo wePalamente oweza no- Erskine May Lo ngumqulu wemithetho yenkqubo kwipalamente yaseWestminster, iUnited Kingdom's House of Commons. Ushicilelo lwawo lokuqala lwalulungiselelwe nguSir Thomas Erskine May owayenguMabhalane kwi-British House of Commons ngo-1844. Udla ngokushunqulelwa kuthiwe yiErskine May okanye iMay.


The departmental expenditure plans, tabled as required.

Uqikelelo Sisicwangciso senkcitho yesebe likarhulumente, esithi sandlalwe okanye singeniswe epalamente.


The branch of government concerned with the formulation and execution of policy.

Isigqeba/abaPhathiswa Icandelo loburhulumente elijongene noqulunqo lwemigaqo-nkqubo nokusetyenziswa kwayo.

Explanatory Memorandum

A brief explanation of the provisions of a bill.

Imemorandam eChazayo isishwankathelwana esifutshane seziqulatho zoMthetho oYilwayo.

First Reading

A stage in the House when a Bill is introduced and tabled for the first time.

UFundo lokuQala Ukungeniswa kokuqala koMthetho oYilwayo kwiNdlu


The term used when describing money the government receives from taxes.

Iingeniso zerhafu Le yimali efunyanwa ngurhulumente ngeerhafu.

Fiscal year

The twelve month period, from 1 April to 31 March, used by the government for budgetary and accounting purposes.

Unyaka-mali Ziinyanga ezilishumi elinesibini eziqala kumhla wokuqala kaApreli ukuya kutsho kowama 31 Matshi, nezisisithuba esabelwa imali eza kusetyenziswa ngamasebe karhulumente.

Floor of the House

That part of the Chamber reserved for the Members of the House.

UMgangatho weNdlu Lela cala leTsheyimba libekelwe ukuhlala amalungu epalamente.

Front benches

The first few rows of seats in the House which, on the government side, are occupied by the Premier and the provincial Cabinet and, on the Opposition side, by the leaders of the opposition parties and their senior Members.

Izihlalo ezingaphambili Apha eNdlwini kwicala elihlala iqela elilawulayo izitulo ezingaphambili zihlala iNkulumbuso yePhondo nabaPhathiswa, kanti kweliya lamaqela aphikisayo kuhlala iinkokeli zawo naloo Malungu awo angamagqala.


A demarcated area in the House for the public and visitors during plenary sittings.

Igalari Kulapho kuhlala abantu abaze kumamela kwakunye neendwendwe ngexesha leendibano zepalamente.

Green Paper

A draft policy document a department prepares for consultation purposes.

IPhepha loGayo-zimvo Ngumqulwana oqulethe imigaqo-nkqubo eseziziqulunqo nothi ukhutshwe lisebe likarhulumente ngeenjongo zokugaya izimvo zoluntu.


The official verbatim report of proceedings in the House.

Ihansard Yincwadi elushicilelo lweengxoxo zeNdlu, njengoko zinjalo.

Hybrid Bill

A public Bill that adversely affects or may adversely affect the private interests of particular persons or bodies.

UMthetho oYilwayo okhamayo Kutshiwo xa uMthetho oYilwayo ubaphatha emanyeni abathile okanye othile okanye izigqeba ezithile.

In camera meeting

A meeting from which the public is excluded.

Intlanganiso esekhusini Kubhekiswa kwintlanganiso ekungavumelekanga ukuba lungene kuyo uluntu.


A direction by the House to a committee which has already received an order of reference, further defining its course of action or empowering it to do something.

Umyalelo Lo ngumyalelo okhutshelwa ikomiti ethile yiNdlu xa loo komiti ibisele iwanikiwe amagunya okwenza umsebenzi othile, injongo ikukucacisa indlela emayihambe ngayo okanye ikukugunyazisa ukuba mayithathe manyathelo mani na.

Intergovernmental relations

The interaction between national, provincial and local government.

Ubudlelwane boorhulumente Unxibelelwano oluphakathi kukarhulumente wesizwe nowamaphondo kunye noomasipala


A mini debate limited to fifteen minutes in which a member of the Executive replies to a Member’s question.

Ingxoxo yokuqhawulisa/umbuzo okhokelela kwingxoxo Ingxoxwana yokuqhawulisa nje umbuzo othile obuzwe lilungu kuMphathiswa, nengadluliyo kwimizuzu elishumi elinesihlanu.

Introduction of Bill

The first presentation of a Bill to the House for its consideration.

Ukungeniswa koMthetho oYilwayo Ulwandlalo lokuqala loMthetho oYilwayo eNdlwini ngelokuba uxukushwe.

Judicial Service Commision

The Commission advises government on matters relating to the administration of justice, such as the appointment of judges.

IKhomishoni yeeNkonzo zobuLungisa Le Khomishoni icebisa urhulumente kwimiba ephathelele kwezobulungisa, efana nokubekwa kweejaji.


The arm of state dealing with the administration of justice.

ICandelo leeNkundla Licandelo loburhulumente elijongene nezobulungisa.

Leader of the House

A Cabinet Minister responsible for the programming of government business in the House and who serves as a link between the Cabinet and the House.

INkokeli yeNdlu UMphathiswa osingathiswe umsebenzi wokucwangcisa iinkqubo zeNdlu nokwalikhonkco phakathi kweKhabhinethi neNdlu le.

Ipalamente yephondo

This is an Executive elected to make laws for the province.

Ipalamente yephondo Sisigqeba sabameli abanyulelwe ukuwisa imithetho


A person or group who actively engages in attempting to influence legislators with respect to some specific area of interest.

Umgayi Umntu okanye iqela elenza amalinge okujikela iingqondo zabawisi-mthetho kwicala elithile ngokuphathelele kumba othile olichaphazelayo

Long title

The title of a Bill which sets out in general terms the purposes of the Bill. It must encompass all aspects of the Bill and if the Bill is amended it may be necessary to amend the long title to reflect those changes.

Isihloko eside Isihloko soMthetho oYilwayo nesichaza ngokubanzi iinjongo zawo. Kufuneka sibandakanye zonke iinkalo zalo Mthetho uYilwayo. Naxa unokuthi wenziwe izilungiso naso esi sihloko kusenokufuneka senziwe izilungiso.


A richly ornamented staff which is the symbol of authority of the House. When the Speaker takes the Chair, the Mace is placed on the Table by the Serjeant-at-Arms to signify the House is in session.

INtonga yeGunya (Mace) Le yintonga ehonjiswe kakhulu nengumqondiso wegunya leNdlu le. Xa uSomlomo ethatha iSihlalo sakhe iNtonga yeGunya ibekwa phezu kweTafile liDindala leNdlu (Serjeant-at-Arms) ukubonisa ukuba iNdlu ihleli.

Maiden speech

A Member’s first speech in the House.

Intetho-nzibulo Yintetho yokuqala ngqa eyenziwa lilungu kwiNdibano yeNdlu.

Mediation Committee

A facilitating committee should there be disagreement between the NA and NCOP on a Section 76 Bill.

IKomiti yoLamlo Yikomiti eququzelela amalinge ezisombululo xa iNdlu yoWiso-mthetho yeSizwe neyeBhunga laMaphondo leSizwe zingavumelani ngoMthetho oYilwayo weCandelo 76.

Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP)

An elected representative in the provincial Parliament chosen from a party list according to the number of votes obtained in the election. There are 42 MMP’s in the provincial Parliament of the Western Cape.

Ilungu lePalamente yePhondo Ngulowo mmeli ukwiPalamente yephondo enyulwe kuluhlu lweqela lakhe ngokwenani alifumene elunyulweni-jikelele. Kule yaseNtshona Koloni iPalamente amalungu ePalamente yePhondo angama-42.

Ministerial responsibility

The principle that Ministers are responsible to the House for their actions and those of their departmental officials.

Uxanduva lobuphathiswa Ngummiselo wokuba uMphathiswa uphantsi kolawulo lweNdlu kuzo zonke izinto azenzayo nakwezo zenziwa lisebe lakhe.

MINMEC meeting

Meeting between a Minister and the nine provincial Members of the Executive Council (MEC’s) dealing with similar portfolios.

Intlanganiso yabaPhathiswa bamaphondo Yintlanganiso ekudibana kuyo uMphathiswa othile wephondo kunye nabamanye amaphondo abaphethe amasebe afana nelakhe.

Minutes of Proceedings

The official printed record of the proceedings of the House.

IMizuzu yeNdibano Yinkcazo eshicilelweyo yako konke okuqhubeke kwiNdibano yeNdlu nganye.

Money Bills

Money Bills appropriate money or impose taxes, levies or duties. These Bills can only be introduced by the Minister responsible for Finance.

IMithetho eYilwayo yezeMali YiMithetho eYilwayo enjongo yayo ikukwenza uhlahlo-mali okanye ukubeka iirhafu, imirhumo neentlawulo. Le yona iMithetho eYilwayo ingeniswa kuphela nguMphathiswa wezeMali.


A proposal that the House do something, order that something be done, or express an opinion.

Isiphakamiso Isindululo esingeniswa eNdlwini sokuba mayenze into ethile okanye iyalele ukuba makwenziwe into ethile okanye ngenjongo yokuvakalisa uluvo oluthile.

Motion of no confidence

A motion which, if adopted, indicates that the Premier and /or provincial Cabinet has lost confidence of the House.

Isiphakamiso sokunganeliseki Sisiphakamiso esinokuthi xa sinokwamkelwa sibonise ukuba iNdlu ibona iNkulumbuso yePhondo nabaPhathiswa besilela emsebenzini wabo kangangokuba ayisaboni nto banokukwazi ukuyenza ngokwanelisayo.


A Member presenting a motion in the House. When debate is permitted, the Member speaks immediately following the proposing of the question to the House.

Umphakamisi Lelo lungu landlala isiphakamiso eNdlwini apha. Ukuvunyelwa nje kwengxoxo ilungu elo liyaphakama lithethe kusakuba kubuziwe ukuba ngaba bakhona na abafuna ukungenisa iziphakamiso.

Naming a Member

A disciplinary procedure to maintain order in the House. The Speaker names a Member for serious misconduct in the Chamber and the Member has to withdraw from the Chamber for the remainder of the day’s sitting.

Ukunkqangazwa kwelungu Le yindlela yokugcina ucwangco apha eNdlwini. USomlomo unkqangaza ilungu elithile ngegama ngokuba libonakalise ukuziphatha kakubi apha kwiTsheyimba, kuze ke kufuneka liphume lingabe lingene kwiNdibano yaloo mini.

National Assembly

INdlu yoWiso-mthetho yeSizwe

A Chamber of the National Parliament. It currently has 400 Members with each party being represented in proportion to its support in the last election.

IGumbi lokuHlalela lePalamente yeSizwe. Kungoku nje inamalungu angama-400 apho iqela ngalinye linabameli ngokwenani leevoti elizifumeneyo kunyulo oludlulileyo.

National Council of Provinces (NCOP)

A Chamber of National Parliament. It represents the provinces at national level and provides a link to the provinces. Each province has ten delegates: six permanent and four special delegates.

Ibhunga laMaphondo leSizwe (Incop) IGumbi lokuHlalela lePalamente yeSizwe. Imele amaphondo kurhulumente wesizwe, kwaye ilikhonkco phakathi kwepalamente namaphondo. Iphondo ngalinye linabameli abalishumi; abathandathu basisigxina; abane bayatshintsha-tshintsha ngokwemiba abamana ukuyikhethelwa.

National Prosecuting Authority (NPA)

The National Prosecuting Authority, headed by the National Director of Public Prosecutions, charged with the responsibility of co-ordinating the effective prosecution of suspects charged with criminal offences.

UGunyaziwe woTshutshiso weSizwe (iNPA) Sisigqeba esimiselwe uxanduva lokunxibelelanisa utshutshiso oluphumeleleyo lwabo bazizaphula-mthetho. Esi sigqeba siphantsi koMlawuli woTshutshiso weSizwe.

National Youth Commission

The Commission established to assist the Government in developing a comprehensive youth development policy. It is a statutory body but it is not included in the Constitution and does not enjopy constitutional protection.

Ikhomishoni yezoLutsha yeSizwe YiKhomishoni eyasekwa ngurhulumente ngenjongo yokuba iqulunqe umgaqo-nkqubo wolutsha ovelela iinkalo zonke. Sisigqeba esimiselwe ngomthetho nakubeni ingabandakanywanga kuMgaqo-siseko, into ke leyo eyenza ukuba ingakhuselwa nguMgaqo-siseko

NCOP Committee

A Committee which specifically considers NCOP/provincial Parliament related matters.

IKomiti ye-NCOP YiKomiti esekelwe ukujongana nemicimbi ye-NCOP/yePalamente yephondo.

Official Opposition

The Official Opposition is the largest opposition party to the governing party/coalition in the House.

IQela eliPhikisayo Lelona qela linamalungu amaninzi kuwo onke la angalawuliyo okanye ayimbumba apha eNdlwini.


All parties in the House that do not form part of the governing party/coalition.

Amaqela aphikisayo Onke amaqela alapha eNdlwini angalawuliyo

Order Paper

A programme containing the agenda of the House and other information relevant to the proceedings of a House.

IPhepha loLuhlu lweMicimbi Liphepha ekudweliswe kulo yonke imicimbi eza kuxoxwa yiNdlu kwakunye nezinye ke iinkcukachana eziphathelele kwiinkqubo zeNdlu.

Out of order

Contrary to the rules of parilamentary procedure. The expression may be applied to motions, Bills or to any intervention which offends against the rules of the House.

Ukuphuma emgaqweni Ukwenza okuchaseneyo neenkqubo zepalamente. Kusenokutshiwo xa kubhekiswa kwiziphakamiso, iMithetho eYilwayo enxamnye nemithetho yePalamente.

Pan South African Language Board

This Board’s task is to protect, promote and develop the eleven official languages as well as to promote and ensure respect for all languages spoken in the country.

IBhodi yeeLwimi zoMzantsi Afrika Zonke (iPANSALB) Umsebenzi wale Bhodi kukukhusela nokuphuhlisa iilwimi zaseburhulumenteni ezilishumi elinanye, kwakunye nokukhuthaza nokuqinisekisa ukuhlonitshwa kwazo zonke iilwimi ezithethwa kweli lizwe.


Parliament is an elected body of representatives responsible for passing national legislation and overseeing the work of the national Executive. It comprises the National Assembly (NA) and the National Council of Provinces (NCOP).

Ipalamente Sisigqeba sabameli abanyulelwe ukuwisa imithetho yesizwe babeke iliso nakumsebenzi wabaPhathiswa. Amacandelo ayo yiNdlu yoWiso-mthetho yeSizwe neKhansile yaMaphondo yeSizwe.

Parliamentary priviledge

Members of Parliament and of provincial Legislatures have freedom of speech on the House and its committees, subject to its rules and orders. They are not liable to civil or criminal proceedings, arrest, imprisonment or damages for anything they say, produce before, or submit in the House or its committees.

Ilungelo lobulungu bePalamente Amalungu ePalamente yesizwe naweyephondo anenkululeko yokuvakalisa izimvo zawo apha eNdlwini nasezintlanganisweni zeekomiti, eyisebenzisa phofu phantsi kwemithetho nemiyalelo. Akanakumangalelwa kumatyala eembambano, engenakho nokubanjwa avalelwe ngenxa yezinto azithethe okanye azingenise eNdlwini okanye ezintlanganisweni zeekomiti.

Parliamentary procedure

The rules by which the House conducts its business, based on statutes, the Standing Rules, authoritative procedural works precedents, and tradition. Decisions by the Speaker are based on these rules.

Iinkqubo zepalamente Yimithetho elandelwa yiNdlu ekuqhubeni imicimbi yayo nesekelwe kwimithetho ewisiweyo, kwiMithetho eSisigxina, kwiimbalo zeengcali kwezenkqubo yepalamente, kwizinto ezidlulileyo zaza zavunywa nakwizinto esele zizizithethe. Izigqibo zikaSomlomo zisekelwe kule mithetho.

Parliamentary questions

Questions to Ministers by a Member which have been printed on the Question Paper. Answers may be given either orally or in writing.

Imibuzo yasePalamente Yimibuzo ebuzwa ngamalungu kuMphathiswa eshicilelwe kwiPhepha leMibuzo. Iimpendulo zisenokubhalwa phantsi okanye zinikwe ngomlomo.

Party caucus

An exclusive meting of the members of a specific political party.

Igqugula leqela Intlanganiso engenwa kuphela ngamalungu eqela elithile.

Party discipline

The control exercised by a party over positions held by its Members and over the way in which they vote. The enforcement of party discipline is one of the whip’s duties.

Umgaqo wokuziphatha Yindlela ekulawulwa ngayo izikhundla zamalungu okuyindlela avota ngayo. Umsebenzi wokuqinisekisa ukuba lo mgaqo uyalandelwa luxanduva lombhexeshi.

Permanent delegates

A permanent representative from a province in the NCOP.

Abameli abasisigxina Ngabameli abavela kumaphondo benyulelwe ukuba ngamalungu e-NCOP.


A written request or complaint made by one of more Members of the public.

Uxwebhu lwezikhalazo Isicelo okanye isikhalazo esibhaliweyo esingeniswe ngumntu othile okanye abantu abathile.

Plenary session

A full sitting of the House.

Indibano epheleleyo Kuxa iNdlu ihleli yonke.

Point of Order

A question raised with respect to any depature from the Standing Rules or customary procedures, either in debate or in the conduct of House or committee business.

Isiphakamiso sonqwanqwado Isikhalazo sokuba othile utyekile emendweni obekwa yiMithetho eSisigxina okanye yinkqubo ese isisithethe malunga nokuqhutywa kweengxoxo, ngoko ke ufanele kunqwanqwadwa ngosesihlalweni ambuyisele emgaqweni.

Political party

A group of people sharing a particular ideology and set of goals which puts forward candidates for election to the national and provincial Parilament.

Iqela lezopolitiko Liqela labantu abankolelo ifanayo nabanjongo zinye kwezopolitiko, baze ke batyumbe abaya kuzigqatsa kunyulo-jikelele lwepalamente yesizwe neyephondo.


The specific area of responsibility allocated to a Cabinet Minister.

Isikhundla (Isebe) Yinkalo ethile ethe yanikelwa kuMphathiswa ukuba ibe luxanduva lwakhe. Lisebe lakhe, ngamanye amazwi.

Portfolio Committee

A parliamentary committee that focuses on a particular government department and its field of work.

IKomiti yeMicimbi yeSebe Yikomiti yepalamente ejongene nemicimbi yesebe elithile kuphela.


At evry sitting of the House, the Speaker reads prayers before any business entered upon.

Umthandazo Kwindibano nganye yeNdlu uSomlomo ufunda umthandazo phambi kokuba kuqalwe.

Preamble (of a Bill)

The part of a Bill preceding the main text which states the reasons for its introduction and the ends which it seeks to attain.

Imbulambethe (yoMthetho oYilwayo) Isishankathelwana esikhokeliswa njengentshayelelo yoMthetho oYilwayo nekuchazwa kuso iinjongo zawo.


A Speaker’s ruling or a practice of the House taken as a rule for subsequent cases of a similar nature. Not all decisions and practices constitute precedents.

Umzekelo wokwenzekayo Isigqibo esikhutshwe nguSomlomo okanye inyathelo adla ngokulithatha apha eNdlwini liye lithathwe njengomzekelo ekusekelwa kuwo izigqibo kwiimeko ezikwanjalo. Akwenziwa njalo kuzo zonke iimeko.

Precincts of provincial Parliament

Buidings accomodating Members, the Chamber, and the rooms Reserved for committee meetings and any other area designated as such.

Amasango ePalamente yePhondo Zizakhiwo ekusetyenzelwa kuzo ngamalungu nekukho kuzo iGumbi lokuHlalela, namagumbi okungenela iintlanganiso, naso nasiphi na esinye isithuba okanye umhlaba osetyenziselwa ezi zinto.


The Head of the Executive in a province elected by the House for a term of five years.

INkulumbuso yePhondo Yintloko yeSigqeba esiLawulayo sePhondo enyulwe yiNdlu ukuba ibe kweso sikhundla isithuba seminyaka emihlanu.
Contents: English-isiXhosa Government Terminology
The content on this page was last updated on 4 September 2013