Circulars (Provincial Treasury) 2017 | Western Cape Government

Circulars (Provincial Treasury) 2017

(Western Cape Government)
Circular Number

Training on generally recognised accounting practice (GRAP) for municipal Officials


 Deferment of Inventory Management Reporting

  (Supple 1 2017) Deferment of Inventory reporting
3  Cash Flow Forecast for 2017/18 section 40(4)(a)
4 Security Procurement Strategy

Implementation of The Provincial Security Procurement Strategy (Supplementary 1 of 2017)


Implementation of The Provincial Security Procurement Strategy (SUPPLEMENTARY NO. 2 OF 2018)

5 MAF Meetings 2017
6 NT SCM Software products
7 Notification of hold on acceptance of gifts donations and sponsorships

Audit Information Files: 2016/17 Annual Financial Statements


Guidelines: 2016/17 Book Closure and Annual Financial Statements

10  CoE Earmarked Allocation
11  BID Spec Requirements Travel Management
12 Implementation of the Preferential Procurement Regulations,2017
  Suplement 1 to Circular 12 of 2017 Systems enhancements
13 Programme Guidelines 2016 17 Annual Report, App A
14 Rollover of Unspent Funds and Retention

Request For Information: Implementation Of The Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017


Month-End Closure Procedures for 2017/18, To Meet the Reporting Requirements in Terms of Section 32 Read with Section 40(4)(C) Of The Public Finance Management Act, 1999


Draft Infrastructure Calendar: 2017/18


Provincial Treasury Integrated Training Programme for The Period 1 July 2017 – 31 December 2017


Adjustments to The Standard Chart of Accounts (SCOA) Version 5: Classification Circular 17

20 Banking Tender Notification of Costing of Bank Charges

Reporting On 2017/18 Earmarked Priority Allocations


Final (Updated) Infrastructure Calendar: 2017/18


Interim Financial Statements for The Period 1 April 2017 To 31 March 2018


In-Year Monitoring (IYM) Report 2017/18: Earlier Submission Dates of the Quarterly Section 32 Reports


In-Year Monitoring (IYM) Reporting for Public Entities (2017/18)


National Treasury Designed Sectors Circular Number 1 Of 2017/ 18: Invitation and Evaluation of Bids Based On a Stipulated Minimum Threshold for Local Production and Content for The Residential Electricity and Residential Water Meters


National Treasury Instruction No. 4 Of 2017/18: Revised Cost Containment Measures Related to Travel and Subsistence


Central Supplier Database Requirements for The Western Cape Government National Treasury SCM Instruction Note 4a of 2016/17 Pertaining to The Central Supplier Database (CSD) National Treasury SCM Instruction Note 7 Of 2017/18 Tax Compliance Status

   Supplementary No. 1 of 2018) Central Supplier Data base requirements for the western government  
   Supplement No 2 Of 2018 NT Instruction 9 20172018 & Ann A,B,C

National Treasury Instruction No. 9 Of 2017/2018 Tax Compliance Status Verification Supplementary 3 of 2018

  Supplementary No. 4 Of 2018 Electronic Procurement Solution
  Supplementary No. 5 Of 2018 Electronic Procurement Solution

Cost Containment Measures

30 Submission of IFS 30 Sept 2017

Interim Guidance On Implementation of the Standard for Infrastructure Procurement and Delivery Management (SIPDM)

32 E-Procurement Solution: Measures to Mitigate Potential Risk On the Integrated Procurement Solution

2017 Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Expenditure: Aim, Programme, Format and Related Matters


Status Update of Provincial Treasury Circulars Issued in Respect of Accounting


Provincial Treasury Integrated Training Programme For The Period 1 January – 30 June 2018

Contents: Circulars (Provincial Treasury) 2017
The content on this page was last updated on 8 November 2018