Ministry of Mobility - Draft Bills: 2006 | Western Cape Government

Ministry of Mobility - Draft Bills: 2006

A Draft Bill is the first version of a proposed law. After the public consultation period, an amended Bill is prepared which is presented to Parliament. At the end of this page, there is an archive of all Draft Bills. A 'For Comment' link will appear there if there are any currently open for comment.
(File type: pdf; size: 149.64 KB)24 November 2006Department of Transport and Public Works (Western Cape Government)
The Draft Bill is required as a result of the legislative arrangements brought into effect by the following national acts: the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act, 1998 (Act 46 of 1998), and the Road Traffic Management Corporation Act, 1999 (Act 20 of 1999).

The Draft Bill mainly repeats and consolidates provisions that were contained in the Western Cape Road Traffic Act, 1998 (Act 12 of 1998), left in place after substantial sections of the Western Cape Road Traffic Act were re-incorporated in the National Road Traffic Act.

Draft Bills