Intergovernmental and International Relations: Overview | Western Cape Government

Intergovernmental and International Relations: Overview


Giving the Western Cape a competitive edge in the international arena.


To promote sound international relations, provide strategic advice, manage protocol and to administer the provincial honours system.


Changes in the inter-state system associated with globalisation have led countries to search for new forms of international economic cooperation and political interaction.

The loss of sovereignty to multi-nationals, increasing regionalisation, and interdependence between states and individuals alike, has led to a proliferation of international actors. Within decentralised or federal states, sub-national governments (e.g. provinces) have to a varying degree also become role-players in the international arena.


  1. Protocol
  2. International relations
  • International cooperation agreements
  • International Organisations
  • International visits
  • Provincial Honours

    The basic protocol (the international code of governmental behaviour) and etiquette (polite behaviour between individuals) as practiced by the Office of the Premier of the Western Cape (and which should therefore naturally be followed by the various ministries and departments in the Western Cape) follows the guidelines set out by the Branch: State Protocol of the Department of Foreign Affairs. "This protocol and etiquette is recognised by the Presidency of South Africa and is practsed daily by the Presidency of South Africa, the Department of Foreign Affairs and all other role players in the Provinces and Local Governments."(DFA: Nov 2001)

    "The sincerity with which one approaches every protocol and etiquette matter overrides any so-called breach in protocol and etiquette." This is a vehicle to assist any politician or diplomat in the entanglement of agreements, negotiations and discussions, which are called diplomacy. They are the lubricant that makes the diplomacy vehicle run smoothly. (DFA: Nov 2001). Protocol and etiquette play an essential role in the implementation of sound international relations and with all spheres of government within South Africa.

    Protocol and etiquette form part of the daily functions of the Directorate. In several of the other provinces in South Africa, there is a specific protocol directorate/sub-directorate in the Office of the Premier. In the Western Cape, this directorate is located in the Department Provincial Administration: Western Cape, the Head of Department being the Director-General, Dr Gilbert A. Lawrence.

    Protocol Functions of the Directorate
    • Providing protocol service to the Premier and the Cabinet;
    • Coordinating logistical arrangements for official missions to and from abroad;
    • Providing protocol assistance to the line-function departments in the Province;
    • Preparing protocol briefings;
    • Accompanying the Premier and Members of the Cabinet when needed;
    • Liaising with the members of the diplomatic and consular corps, and,
    • Liaising with the Department of Foreign Affairs.


    Under South African law, South African provinces are allowed to establish certain cooperation agreements with other provinces and regions. These agreements are important for their socio-economic growth.

    The purpose of cooperation agreements, in the case of the Western Cape, is:
    • to develop the Western Cape economy through bilateral trade and foreign investment
    • to contribute to the socio-economic development of the people of the Western Cape and
    • to improve the functional areas of provincial government by forming strategic partnerships around the world.

    Western Cape's links to partner regions

    Click here for a list of all the cooperation agreements.

    The content on this page was last updated on 20 August 2013