The Government of South Africa - Public Information: H | Western Cape Government

The Government of South Africa - Public Information: H

General information publications, listed alphabetically. These documents are also placed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
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This handbook contains Government's policies and standards for achieving interoperability and seamless information flow across government as well as the wider public sector.
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This handbook provides information on programmes aimed at providing assistance to SMMEs in the tourism industry. It contains details on the criteria for funding, the application process and the contact details of the relevant institutions.
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This brochure gives a summary of the requirements for a legal tourist guide in South Africa, the regulations for tour operators and tourist guides, and key points from the tourist guide Code of Conduct and Ethics.

These guides provide practical tips on how to lead a healthier life, from nutrition to exercise to sun safety.

The Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Cape High Court.
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Having HIV/AIDS does not mean you have to give up your relationship. This pamphlet gives advice to couples in which one of the partners is HIV positive.
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An easy-to-understand list of the basic rights that people living with HIV/AIDS have recourse to in terms of the Bill of Rights, which is enshrined in the SA Constitution.
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A simplified version of the law regarding the rights of employees who have HIV/AIDS. Advice and information is suggested for employers on how to deal with workers who are living with HIV/AIDS.
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The Technical Assistance Guidelines (TAG) are intended to complement the previously adopted 'Code of Good Practice on Key Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Employment' of 2000 within the framework of the policy options indicated in the Employment Equity Act of 1998. The TAG aims to equip employers and other role players with practical tools to eliminate unfair discrimination based on HIV in the workplace.
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This document outlines what home-based supervision is and how it can be used to minimise the number of children detained in prisons and other residential facilities.
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