Spatial Development Framework - Mossel Bay Municipal Area | Western Cape Government

Spatial Development Framework - Mossel Bay Municipal Area

This, the second in a series of three articles on the Mossel Bay Spatial Development Framework (SDF) highlights the spatial planning approach adopted for the preparation of the Mossel Bay SDF, as well as the principles and objectives that underpin the SDF.


The adopted spatial planning approach for the Mossel Bay SDF is based on a change in the dominant planning paradigm from a control-driven one to a more pro-active, development model. The focus of this new approach is on the facilitation of development rather than rigid "planning." In this regard the essential function of Local Government should not be to produce a master plan for the Municipal Area, but rather to influence the processes which shape the urban / rural area. This approach implies change in the role of municipalities from preventing and controlling development to promoting and guiding growth.


The Mossel Bay SDF is amongst others based on the following principles:

  • Integration of built and non-built environments, in order to achieve the economic, environmental and recreational interaction which potentially exists between them and to make maximum productive use of urban resources
  • Compaction and densification of settlements, as opposed to low-density sprawl, in order to achieve benefits in terms of efficiency, cost, convenience and resource utilisation, and to increase the generative capacity of urban systems
  • Integration of uses and activities, as opposed to seperation, to maximise convenience and vitality
  • Continuity of urban development, as opposed to fragmentation, so as to functionally integrate urban areas
  • Multi-functionality and sharing of public spaces and facilities in order to make the most efficient use of public investment.


The Mossel Bay SDF will amongst others strive to

  • Promote sustainable development by means of unsuring that development is within the financial, institutional and administrative means of the Mossel Bay Municipality
  • Further the establishment of viable communities
  • Develop a spatial growth management framework that focuses on:
    • the timeous identification and securing of appropriate land for housing development
    • the containment of urban sprawl
    • the densification and compaction of settlements
    • urban integration and regenration.
  • Promote the equitable distribution of public facilities and services throughout the Mossel Bay Municipal Area
  • Support the conservation of the architectural and cultural-historical character of Mossel Bay, as well as the surrounding coastal and rural nodes / settlements
  • Integrate and support the application of bioregional planning principles
  • Encourage appropriate development in the Mossel Bay Municipal Area, within the confines of acceptable environmental impact.

In the next issue the proposals component of the Mossel Bay SDF will be discussed.


A series of public meetings will be held during November 2003, throughout the Municipal Area at which the SDF will be presented. Members of the public will also be provided with a opportunity of no less that 60 days to scrutinise and provide written comment on the SDF. Formal advertisements will be placed so as to inform the public of the time and venues for the various public meetings, as well how and where the SDF documentation can be viewed or obtained.

Contents: Spatial Development Framework - Mossel Bay Municipal Area
The content on this page was last updated on 5 September 2013