Salt, sugar and your health | WesternCape On Wellness

Salt, sugar and your health


Is too much salt bad for me?

How much salt is too much?

How do I choose less salty foods?

All these questions are answered in our educational leaflets:

Salt pamphlet ENG.pdf (pdf, 956.31 KB)
Salt pamphlet AFR.pdf (pdf, 863.5 KB)
Salt pamphlet XHO.pdf (pdf, 981.36 KB)


Is too much sugar bad for me?

How much sugar is too much?

How do I choose less sugary foods?

All these questions are answered in our educational leaflets:

Sugar Pamphlet ENG.pdf (pdf, 948.36 KB)
Sugar Pamphlet AFR.pdf (pdf, 777.26 KB)
Sugar Pamphlet XHO.pdf (pdf, 895.87 KB)