Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Materials | WesternCape On Wellness

Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Materials

​​​​​​Below is a list of various Wellness related Toolkits and IEC Material to download. 

Contact for more information. 

Health Calendar 

Calendar 2025.pdf (pdf, 1.32 MB)

World TB Day & Month Toolkit

Sexual Reproductive Health Toolkit

SRH (zip, 42.54 MB)

Sun Smart, Skin Cancer Awareness Toolkit

Sun Smart (zip, 5.25 MB)
Sun Smart Kit.PNG

Resources for domestic and gender based violence prevention 

World AIDS Day Toolkit 


Men's Health Awareness Month Toolkit

Diabetes Awareness Month Toolkit

Stroke Awareness Toolkit

Global Hand Hygiene Toolkit 

Breast Cancer Awareness Toolkit

Mental Health Awareness Toolkit

National Nutrition Week Toolkit

Heart Awareness Month Toolkit

The Undetectable=Untransmissible (U=U) campaign 

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Toolkit

FASD IEC (zip, 9.92 MB)

Women's Health Awareness Month Toolkit

Psychosocial Disability Awareness Month (PDAM) Toolkit

IEC (zip, 5.88 MB)

Youth Awareness Month Toolkit 

Child Health Awareness Toolkit

2023 Influenza Vaccination Awareness Campaign

Influenza Awareness Toolkit 

Cancer Awareness Toolkit

Cancer Kit.PNG

Sun Smart, Skin Cancer Awareness Toolkit

16 Days of Activism for no violence

Disability Awareness Month Toolkit

Men's Health Awareness Month Toolkit

World No Tobacco Day Awareness Tookit

Healthy Lifestyles 

Healthy Lifestyle Kit.PNG

Be Sugar Smart Leaflets 

Sugar Pamphlet ENG.pdf (pdf, 948.36 KB)
Sugar Pamphlet AFR.pdf (pdf, 777.26 KB)
Sugar Pamphlet XHO.pdf (pdf, 895.87 KB)

Salt and Your Health Leaflets

Salt pamphlet ENG.pdf (pdf, 956.31 KB)
Salt pamphlet AFR.pdf (pdf, 863.5 KB)
Salt pamphlet XHO.pdf (pdf, 981.36 KB)

Tips for Economical Healthy Eating Leaflets

Understanding Health Claims on Food Products Leaflets

The First 1000 Days 

A child’s health is most vulnerable during the first 1 000 days of its life. This period, from conception until a child’s 2nd birthday, offers a unique window of opportunity to shape healthier and more prosperous futures. Visit for more information. 

Physical Activity Guidelines 

Physical Activity for Health in Africa: Guidance during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic 

Physical activity and health for children and adolescents in Africa: COVID-19 and beyond