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Provincial Treasury

Supplier Databases

Central Supplier Database (CSD)

The CSD was established by National Treasury on behalf of all departments, constitutional institutions & public entities listed in schedule 2 & 3 of the PFMA.

Registration of suppliers on the CSD is a mandatory requirement that creates an enabling environment and one single database to serve as the source of all supplier information for all spheres of government.

The WCG maintains a dual registration process where it requires its suppliers to register on both the CSD (national database) and the Western Cape Supplier Evidence Bank (provincial database) for procurement via the eProcurement System (ePS).

CSD troubleshooting guide here 

Click here to visit the CSD.


Western Cape Supplier Evidence Bank (WCSEB)

The WCSEB is a central repository of governance documents required in the Supply Chain Management process that augments the CSD as this information is not available on the CSD. It was created with the intention for departments not having to request these documents for each and every RFQ/tender process but that it be submitted once to the WCSEB, which is valid for one year.

It is a web-based application that allows users of the Western Cape Government to extract, manage and verify data of prospective suppliers that wish to do business with us. Suppliers should contact the Procurement Client Centre for registration on the WCSEB. More information on the WCSEB can be found on the frequently asked questions below.

PCC Helpdesk queries:


Contact Details

For attention: Procurement Client Centre 

Provincial Treasury

Western Cape Government

Physical address:

2nd floor

4 Waterford Place (SAP Building)

Century City


Postal address:

Private Bag X9165

Cape Town


Telephone: 021 833 5361


Frequently Asked Questions

Why must I be registered on both the WCSEB and the Central Supplier Database (CSD)?

In terms of National Treasury Instruction note 4A of 2016/17, all prospective service providers must be registered on the CSD as from 1 April 2016 in order to do business with Government.

The WCSEB draws information of service providers from the CSD and over and above, SCM compliance documents which is housed and maintained annually on the WCSEB. This augments the CSD as this information is not available on the CSD

Therefore, in order to do business with the Western Cape Government via the ePS, service providers must be actively registered on both the CSD and the WCSEB. 

How do I register on WCSEB?

You are 1st required to self-register on the CSD to obtain your MAAA number.

Thereafter a WCSEB registration form must be duly completed and submitted with the required regulatory documents which includes the following:

  1. WCBD 4 (compulsory)
  2. WCBD 6.1 (if applicable) including the B-BBEE certificate/ affidavit.
  3. ID document
  4. Security Officer’s Board Certificate (PSIRA) (if applicable)
  5. Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Certificate (if applicable)
  6. Selection of commodities (Annexure A) (compulsory)

Why am I required to indicate date/month/year on the BB-BEE affidavit when the form does not require the same?

This determines the exact date of compliance to year end requirements for compliance as required by the DTIC. You may contact the BEE Commissioner for further clarity on the following email address:

What is considered acceptable when having a document commissioned?

A Commissioner of Oaths can be designated in the following ways:

  1. By virtue of the office they hold meaning ex officio. The minister of Justice issues a schedule of designated officials as part of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Oaths Act;
  2. A Commissioner may also be appointed by a court of law in which case they will be in possession of an appointment letter; and
  3. Member of certain regulatory boards i.e. IRBA, CA(SA), may also be designated commissioner of Oaths but such must be verified on their website.


  1. South African Police Services (SAPS)
  2. Manager of the South African Post Office
  3. Independent Attorney (where no conflict of interest exists)
  4. Administration of Justice i.e. Clerk of the Court, Peace Officer

To note:

The commissioner must indicate the following:

  • Signature
  • Print his/her name, in full
  • Business address
  • Designation or area for which he/she holds their appointment/office help in the case of ex-officio

SAPS official, in accordance with its internal policy, must indicate:

  • His/her name, in full
  • Force number

Official stamp of SAPS office where affidavit was affirmed

How long are my regulatory documents (WCBD 4, WCBD 6.1) valid for?

The documents are valid for 12 months from the signature date of the commissioner hence the date the commissioner signs the document. These documents must be maintained on an annual basis.

WCSEB registration forms



Commodity List Annexure A


WCBD 4 Declaration of Interest


WCBD 6 1 Revised 23 January 2023


Qualifying Small Enterprise affidavit - Specialised


Qualifying Small Enterprise affidavit - General


Exempted Micro Enterprise affidavit - Specialised


Exempted Micro Enterprise affidavit - General


BBBEE Exempted Micro Enterprise Affidavit for Construction Sector Codes


Generating a SARS TCS pin


Please make sure your BEE affidavit has the date, month and year on the space for financial year-end, e.g. 28 February 2022.

A supplier may only have one B-BBEE document listed above, a B-BBEE certificate obtained from a SANAS accredited agent, or a CIPC affidavit.

Please make sure all commissioned documents have force numbers of SAPS officials if your documents will be commissioned by a Constable, Sergeant or Warrant Officer at SAPS.

If a supplier scratches on a document, both the supplier and a commissioner must sign next to the parts of the document that was scratched, otherwise, the document will not be accepted.

Duly completed registration forms with supporting documents must be sent to: by email for verification purposes only. After the documents have been confirmed by an official, they can be delivered to


4 Waterford Place, 2nd Floor, Century City, 7441


Or posted to


Private Bag x9165, Cape Town, 8000.

Can a supplier update their own profile online?

For the National Treasury Central Supplier Database (CSD) – Yes, as this database only houses the profile of the supplier and is a self-registration portal.

For the Western Cape Supplier Evidence Bank (WCSEB) - No, not at this stage. Due to the fact that a verification process is required prior to the documents being uploaded on the WCSEB, to ensure compliance to procurement prescripts , a supplier cannot update their documentation on the system and hence such support is provided to the supplier by the Western Cape Government (WCG)

Some departments require a confirmation of registration. Where can I get this?

The WCSEB consultants cannot issue such letter. Each department has access to both the CSD and WCSEB and they can confirm a supplier’s status by utilizing the MAAA number. It is incumbent upon the Department to download such a report from the WCSEB themselves, by utilising the MAAA number

Is there a limitation on the number commodities I can register for?

No, However, suppliers must ensure that they are able to render such goods/services that they have indicated they provide i.e. the commodity they have registered for. They must also be certain that they will be able to respond timeously.


To Note: Indicating a number of commodities may flood your inbox with emails that you may not be in a position to respond to and may miss a credible opportunity that you in fact could have responded to more efficiently and adequately in terms of your core business.

What is the turnaround time for the processing of documents?

For maintenance or updating a profile: 3 – 5 days post 24-hour isolation

For new registrations: 5 – 7 days post 24-hour isolation

The above is however volume dependent as well as dependent on the completeness of the documentation provided by the supplier.

Please utilise the WCG drop box provided on the 2nd Floor, 4 Waterford Place, Century City to submit compulsory documentation to update your supplier profile. This will ensure social distancing requirements are met and that we prevent the further spread of the Covid-19 virus.

You have our assurance that your documents will be safeguarded and timeously updated.

Please also make use of the register available so that we can track when you were at the client centre.

How will I know if my documents have been accepted and processed?

You will receive an automated notification. Alternatively, if any discrepancies are detected, a WCSEB consultant will contact you via email advising you of same.

How do I know that my suspension on the WCSEB has been lifted?

The system has been configured to send an electronic notification after a duly completed WCBD 4 is approved and suspension is lifted

How do I change my email address on WCSEB?

The email address must be changed on CSD thereafter the WCSEB as well as ePS will be automatically updated. The change will not affect the login details on the ePS as it will only amend the email address where future emails will be sent.

Is WCSEB registration number the same as my CSD MAAA number?

Yes, the WCSEB uses the same registration number as generated by the CSD.

How can I see which commodities I am registered for?

You may send an email to the WCSEB helpdesk at and a  consultant will provide you with a commodities report linked to your entity. Going forward, the Provincial Treasury will develop this functionality on the system, to enable suppliers to access their profiles and the commodities that they are registered for. 

Where do I download the WCSEB registration form and regulator documents?