Knysna roadworks update

Commencement of contract No. C1146: Periodic maintenance of MR351, MR355, DR1600, DR1615 & DR1627 - Knysna

The Karatara, Barrington, Rheenendal and Brenton-on-Sea roads will be affected by roadworks up to September 2024.

Restricted working conditions will be in place to facilitate traffic safely during the construction period.

The Contract for the resurfacing of MR351, MR355, DR1600, DR1615 and DR1627 (Karatara, Barrington, Rheenendal and Brenton-on-Sea roads) and appurtenant works has commenced from late August 2023. Actophambili Roads were awarded the 12-month Contract which is expected to be completed by September 2024.

All affected routes will remain open to two-way traffic for the duration of the Contract. Where lane closures are required for the purposes of work then two-way traffic will be maintained by means of a stop-go system which should cause a delay of between 10 minutes and 20 minutes per trip. The public will be kept informed timeously if there are any changes in the traffic accommodation such as temporary road closures.

The safety and convenience to the travelling public are of utmost importance and every effort will be made to ensure that all temporary road signs, cones, flag people and speed controls are maintained and are effective, and that courtesy are extended to the public at all times. The Contractor is required to make use of approved methods to control the movement of his equipment and vehicles so as not to constitute a hazard on public roads.

The Public, when using the affected roads, is requested to be patient, exercise caution, to travel at reduced speed, obey the permanent and the construction related temporary traffic signage and heed the guidance of the stop-go operators and flag people. This is for the safety of all.