Provincial Minister of Infrastructure commemorates Workers Day and commits to creating over 15 000 jobs

2 May 2023
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In commemoration of Workers’ Day, the Provincial Minister of Infrastructure, Tertuis Simmers, has committed to creating more than 15 000 jobs over the next three financial years.

The Department of Infrastructure, through its planned projects at various stages, is set to create 15 000 thousands of jobs by 2026. The Roads Infrastructure branch estimates to create 4 500 per year over the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) 2023/24 – 2025/26. While in the same period, the General Infrastructure and Public Works branch will create 650 per year.

In the 2023/24 fiscal, job opportunities will be created from projects endorsed by the R4.5 billion Transport Infrastructure as well as R2.2 billion Public Works budgets, respectively.

Speaking on the set job creation targets Minister Simmers said: “As the Department of Infrastructure, this is our contribution to the Growth 4 Jobs programme which makes it the priority of this government to see that more jobs are created in the public and private sector.

We are intent on an approach to enhance job creation with a focus on quality jobs. Our infrastructure sector has opportunities and through my department we will make sure that the citizens of the Western Cape benefit from these.”

Aside from these job creation targets the department is also keen on the development of future professionals. Through its Masakh’iSizwe Bursary Programme, the department envisions developing a cohort of professionals in transport, engineering, and built environment. The bursary offers full-time studies towards a degree or diploma in the transport, engineering, and built environment disciplines, including:

  • Architecture
  • Construction Management
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Quantity Surveying
  • Town and Regional Planning
  • Transport Economics
  • Geomatics
  • Property Studies

Thandokazi Nyangiwe, a beneficiary of the programme, reflecting on her journey said: “The programme allowed me to further my tertiary studies and complete a B.Sc. degree in Construction Studies at the University of Cape Town. Upon graduating, I was placed to work in the Public Works- Education Infrastructure, through the Professional Development Program (PDP), where I continue to gain work experience.”

Fellow beneficiary, Jessica de Villiers, a Candidate Mechanical Engineer, spoke on the programme’s offering: “I studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Stellenbosch as a Masakh'iSizwe bursary. The PDP gives me access to an Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) Mentor to guide me towards registration and a team of people who are constantly in my corner pushing me to succeed.

As I’m sitting here today worrying about incorporating a few last-minute details to my ECSA application, I cannot help but smile out of gratitude towards the Masakh'iSizwe bursary and the Professional Development Programme. I hope to repay all role players one day and to contribute more to the public sector as a professional engineer.”

Minister Simmers remarked on this year’s Workers Day commemoration and his department’s role to workers. “Workers are the backbone and assets of any economy. It is therefore essential that we create tools that enable its citizens through sustainable skills development programmes such as Masakh’iSizwe Bursary Programme.”

The Western Cape Government continues to build hope with programmes and strategies geared toward job creation and skills development for all.

Media Enquiries:

Ntobeko Mbingeleli

Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers

021 483 8067 (o)

061 447 7851 (m)