Festive Season Warning - Reckless Road Users Must Change Behaviour

4 December 2023
Mobility Department

The Western Cape Mobility Minister, Ricardo Mackenzie, urges all road users to adopt a sensible and safe attitude this festive season. 

"We are just four days into the official festive season period, and I am dismayed at the reckless behaviour on our province’s roads over the past weekend. Behaviour such as trucks operating on prohibited routes and creating dangerous obstructions when they get stuck, cyclists ignoring construction risks on closed roads, and public transport drivers putting their passengers’ lives at risk. 

Our weekly Provincial Traffic statistics tell the story of the very real costs of this behaviour. Last week, 18 pedestrians were killed out of a total of 34 traffic fatalities. Eighty people were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, including the driver of a minibus taxi carrying 12 people. One of these passengers did not survive the fatal crash the minibus was involved in, and further charges have been laid against the driver for reckless or negligent driving, among other charges. Those who take risks on our roads must know that there are consequences. 

At the launch of our Festive Season Road Safety Plan on Friday 1 December, we made it clear that our Traffic Management teams are prepared for the holiday period, with close to 600 Provincial Traffic Officers working hard to ensure that everyone reaches their destination and their loved ones safely. "

Daily operations across all districts in the province include: 

  • High visibility patrols monitoring moving violation offences. 
  • Speed enforcement, including Average Speed Over Distance monitoring; and 
  • Roadblocks to detect drunk driving, driver fatigue, and passenger overloading; as well as enforcing seat belt usage; and checking documentation, driver fitness, and vehicle fitness. 

On top of these daily operations, we have a comprehensive programme of:  

  1. Inter-provincial corridor operations in collaboration with our neighbouring provinces.  
  2. Pedestrian awareness interventions.  
  3. Driver awareness interventions focusing on alcohol for public transport operators; and  
  4. Integrated fatigue operations on key routes 

No matter how effective, dedicated, and well-equipped these teams are, we need all road users to do their part in preventing traffic crashes. Check your vehicle’s roadworthiness, buckle up, don’t drink and drive, don’t speed, and take rest breaks every 200km. These simple actions will keep everyone safe and alive this festive season. 

Results from WC Provincial Traffic Services – 27 November to 3 December 2023 

Provincial Traffic Inspectors conducted 313 integrated roadblocks, vehicle check points and speed control operations; and stopped and checked 32 022 vehicles across the Western Cape. 

A total of 9 320 fines were issued for various traffic violations ranging from driver to vehicle fitness. Nine vehicles were impounded and 170 were discontinued for being found to be unroadworthy. 

A total of 184 speeding offences were recorded, with the following highest speeds: 

  • 166km/h in a 120km/h zone. 
  • 139km/h in a 100km/h zone. 
  • 114km/h in a 90km/h zone. 
  • 114km/h in an 80km/h zone. 
  • 104km/h in a 70km/h zone; and 
  • 74km/h in a 60km/h zone. 

A total of 115 arrests were made for the following offences: 

  • 80 x driving under the influence of alcohol. 
  • 1 x speeding. 
  • 15 x reckless and negligent driving.  
  • 6 x goods overloading. 
  • 11 x possession of fraudulent documentation. 
  • 1 x person willfully preventing, hindering or interfering with the flow of traffic; and 
  • 1 x failing to stop the vehicle on command of a peace officer.   

A total of 30 crashes occurred in the reporting period, and 34 fatalities were recorded, including:  

  • 10 x drivers. 
  • 2 x motorcyclists. 
  • 4 x passengers; and 
  • 18 x pedestrians. 


Rebecca Campbell 

Spokesperson for Minister Ricardo Mackenzie 

Tel: 076 783 2583
