Embargo on abnormal loads and vehicles


Why an embargo?

The Department of Transport and Public Works is committed to promoting road safety therefore an embargo is placed on abnormal loads and vehicles during certain periods such as public holidays or long weekends.

An abnormal load or vehicle can obstruct the vision of other vehicles on the same road because of its dimensions. There are also higher risks of road crashes with vehicles that exceed the legal mass.

The department issued a circular on the embargo for 2022:

What is abnormal vehicles and loads?

Abnormal vehicle

A vehicle or combination of vehicles that exceed legal dimensions or mass.

Abnormal load

The load being transported cannot be broken into smaller portions and exceeds the legal limitations.

Read more on the legal requirements in the National Road Traffic Regulations, 2000.

A special permit may be issued to allow the carrying of an abnormal load if it is considered to be in the economic and/or social interest of the country.

How to apply for a permit

The requirements for a permit depend on the size and nature of the load or vehicle.

You can apply for a permit at the Department of Transport and Public Works.

Read more on how to apply for a permit for abnormal loads and vehicles.

Contact the Department for more information on permits for abnormal loads:

Tel: 021 483 2079/2074/2406
Email: Transport.Publicworks@westerncape.gov.za
Twitter:  @WCGovTPW