Yesterday (15 September 2023), in heavy rain Provincial Minister of Infrastructure Tertuis Simmers officiated the sod turn ceremony of the Stanford housing project. The Minister was joined by the Overstrand Executive Mayor Dr. Annelie Rabie and local councillors.

The event signaled the commencement of construction work at the site. The Stanford housing project is earmarked to create 621 housing opportunities. It is expected that phase 1 of the project will realise 100 houses and will be completed before April 2024. This project forms part of the department and Overstrand municipality’s plans to accelerate the delivery of dignified human settlement projects in the region. Other projects currently underway in Overstrand are the Gaansbaai Blompark and Masakhane developments.

Despite the weather conditions, a jovial Minister Simmers remarked on the significance of the sod turn. “This is a landmark moment for the community of Stanford, and I think the rainfall signifies showers of blessings. With 621 housing opportunities set to be created. We are further encouraged by the job and economic opportunities that will be created through this project.”

The Minister further added, “This project forms part of the greater infrastructure projects in Overstrand. The successful delivery of Blompark and Mashakhane projects in which we have delivered more than 300 houses within 18 months, with an expected overall yield of more than 820 houses.”

The two principals proceeded to commemorate National Wills Week with a title deed handover ceremony in Mount Pleasant, Hermanus. The beneficiaries were from neighboring areas such as Zwelihle, Hawston, and Mount Pleasant. Mrs. Sophia Willams (83) said: “I’m grateful to our government and officials who made this day possible, and it is indeed one of the best days in my life. I will take advantage of the services made available to us and have a Will drafted and stored in a secure place.”

“This title deed handover closes a chapter of uncertainty in the lives of the beneficiaries. Security of tenure is a key priority of the Western Cape Government as it provides citizens with the dignity they deserve” remarked Minister Simmers.

The events of yesterday further reflect the Western Cape Government’s commitment to accelerate service delivery through collaborating with local government.

Media Enquiries

Mr. Ntobeko Mbingeleli

Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers

021 483 8067 (o)

061 447 7851 (m)