Applications to use a public road for sport and filming purposes


Members of the public can apply to use a public road for sport and filming purposes. The permit application depends on whether a road is a municipal or a provincial road. You can contact the City of Cape Town for municipal roads or the Western Cape Mobility Department for provincial roads.

The Municipality handles applications to film and for sports events on municipal streets, roads, sidewalks and road verges.

The production company or applicant must ensure that normal pedestrian and vehicle access is maintained at all times other than when filming actually takes place, unless dedicated use of a specific area has been specified in the permit. If a road is to be closed, an alternate route must be available.

For more information contact:

City of Cape Town
Events Office
Tel: 021 417 4035


Applications to use a provincial road for filming/sport purposes need to be made to the Western Cape Mobility Department's Transport Administration and Licences office for principle approval once quoted for a job and confirmed not later than two weeks in advance of any filming. The application for filming needs to contain the following information:

  • The roads that you would like to use and the exact locations on those roads.
  • The times and dates of filming.
  • The scenario or script of the intended film.
  • What the set will consist of.
  • The number of crew and vehicles involved.
  • Any deviations from the National Road Traffic Act, 93 of 1996 (for example, exceeding the speed limit, using a left-hand drive vehicle or driving on the wrong side of the road).
  • Confirmation if a helicopter will be used or not during the filming.

The application will be referred to the relevant provincial traffic section which will provide traffic assistance at a cost determined according to the traffic assistance fee structure. Closure of provincial roads cannot interfere with traffic for more than ten minutes. You are requested to apply for provisional approval when you quote for a film or photo shoot contract.

The prescribed form can be obtained for sport and/or other activities on public roads from the Western Cape Mobility Department.

Contact Details:
Tel: 021 483 2075/4177/5397/2406
Fax: 021 483 2357
Twitter: @WCGov_Mobility

Provincial Fees
R80 - administration fee
R4 400 - Filming application
R1 100 - Photo shoot application