Accessible public transport and building facilities

People with disabilities (PWD) can access buildings and certain public transport facilities using special design features.

Public transport

GO GEORGE bus small.jpg

People with disabilities (PWD) can access buildings and certain public transport facilities using special design features.

Public transport


The City of Cape Town’s Dial-a-Ride public transport service is for people with disabilities who cannot board other modes of public transport for their commute to and from work.

Contact the Transport Information Centre (TIC) on telephone number 0800 656 463 for more information on the service.


Disabled-friendly features included in the MyCiTi transport service:

  • Tactile paving to help the visually impaired find stations and platforms.
  • Induction loops at ticket kiosks for the hearing impaired.
  • Boarding bridges on buses for residential and central city routes which passengers can use to move onto the bus from bus stops if needed.


Wheelchair users can access the station deck at certain Metrorail train stations using special features ranging from the broad turnstile to spacious toilets and elevators.

Go George 

  • On most routes, sidewalks are raised so that the height difference between the sidewalk and the bus-floor boarding platforms is as small as possible.
  • Tactile paving, which is raised, is used at the stops to make it easier for visually impaired people to identify the bus stop area. Guide dogs are allowed on the Go George buses.

Accessible building features



  • A ramp can be used when climbing steps becomes difficult and even impossible because of a disability.
  • Ramps allow wheelchair users and people pushing prams or other wheeled objects to access a building easily.

Accessible Routes

  • An entrance that is accessible by disabled persons is identified by the International Symbol of Accessibility.
  • Directional signs indicating the location of the nearest accessible entrance must be provided.


An accessible elevator has the following features:

  • Minimum internal dimensions – width and depth.
  • Handrails.
  • Audible and visual warnings in the lift and in the lobby.


People who find it difficult to move unaided rely on handrails when using stairs.

Wheelchair or platform lifts

Wheelchair lifts are designed to be operated by the wheelchair user without assistance.

Walking Surfaces

To assist people with disabilities, the walking surfaces:

  • Should be wide enough for a wheelchair to access
  • Should not be too steep.

Read More on Disabled Friendly Facilities in the Western Cape