Another Business Success Story: Leveraging Digital Technologies | Western Cape Government

Another Business Success Story: Leveraging Digital Technologies


Digital Tech in Business

Success Story 8

Success Story 9

Success Story 10

Success Story 11

Success Story 12

Success Story 14

Success Story 15

Success Story 16

Other Articles in this Edition of the Digital Economy Update

Digital Tech in Business

SME's have much to gain by adopting digital technologies

5 August 2018 ► 4 Mins Read Time

Small business owners can have a difficult time as they go about their entrepreneurial journey, but digital technologies have much to offer and can go a long way to reduce the amount of effort, time and money small business owners spend on a variety of tasks. 

This article shows just a few simple ways small business can use digital technologies  to improve their business at little to no cost. 

By Deejay Jay

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CiTi Article

Western Cape Digital Trialblazers

Ian Merrington, Cape Innovation & Technology Initiative

Octobeer 2018 ► 12 Mins Read Time

CiTi as an organisation has been instrumental in the development and support of the Cape Town & Western Cape tech ecosystem and, Ian Merrington CEO of CiTi has taken the organisation to new heights since joining just 5 years ago. 

With 2019 marking the 20 year anniversary of CiTi, we sat down with Ian Merrington to talk about his career path and how it led him to CiTi, CiTi's past and present and what the future holds for the organisation. 

By Deejay Jay

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The content on this page was last updated on 28 October 2019