Red Tape Reduction Mini-guide: Managing Abattoir Waste - News | Red Tape Reduction

Red Tape Reduction Mini-guide: Managing Abattoir Waste

20 June 2018

Abattoir waste was identified through numerous reports and studies as being the most problematic food waste type to manage in the Western Cape (WC) due to the hazardous nature of the waste type and its potential impacts on the environment and human health. The Guideline on the management of abattoir waste in the Western Cape was developed by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning as one of the recommendations stemming from the Status Quo study of Abattoir Waste conducted in 2015.

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The guideline provides various role-players in the abattoir sector with the necessary guidance to ensure compliance with the legislation while also providing the various options available for the management of this waste type that ensures the protection of the environment and human health.

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The guideline also explores the possibility of regional cooperation amongst role-players as an option in resolving some of the challenges experienced in the sector.

Within this mini-guide, a collaboration between the Red Tape Reduction unit and the Waste Management Directorate of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, the information has been simplified to provide readers with an overview of the methods, law and requirements relevant to each of the alternative methods to landfill disposal of abattoir waste.

For more information on the Waste Management directorate please visit

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The mini guideline is available for download below: